Get Motivated For Your Workout

I like exercise. Let me rephrase that: I like the benefits of exercise. I enjoy feeling strong and energized. I like the way my body looks when I workout regularly. I like knowing I can go for a hike, try out a new sport or embark on any type of physical activity and be confident that I am likely fit enough to do it.
Despite all the benefits of exercise, there are days when I simply don't feel like working out. I'm not sick; I'm just lazy. I would dare to bet that I am not alone.

Today I'm going to share with you a few tips to get you motivated to workout on those days when you know you should workout, but you are compelled to turn off your alarm and go back to sleep, or bypass the gym on your drive home from work. Some of the tips will work for you, some will not. Pick and choose your own adventure and get ready to stick to your workout plan!

Tip 1. Visualize how you're going to feel after your workout. Do you feel invigorated, accomplished and clear minded? Do you feel proud of yourself for deciding to workout even when you didn't feel like it? Sometimes simply fast-forwarding to the positive after-effects of a workout is enough to get you going.

Tip 2. Remind yourself of your WHY. Why is your workout important to you? What is your reason to workout? Are you training for a race? Is it an outlet for stress release? Do you want to live an active lifestyle so you can be there for your grandkids? There's a reason why you had planned to workout; you just need to remember it!

Tip 3. Get dressed. You may be surprised how many people tell me that one of the barriers to exercise is having to change in and out of their workout clothes. Taking that first step can be a monumental leap toward starting your workout. Once you're dressed, you'll likely feel more inclined to go ahead with your workout. As a bonus, pick out a fun, cute or new exercise outfit.

Tip 4. Skip the 'all or nothing' mentality and start small. Often we skip our workout because we don't want to, or don't have time do complete the entire thing. We think, "what's the point?" I know I'm guilty of this faulty thought process! A 10-minute walk is better than the 45-minute run you never did. If you don't want to do your entire workout, then don't. Just start, and if after 5 or 10 minutes you really honestly don't feel any more inclined to workout, then stop. You can 'check' workout off for the day because you did it! Giving yourself permission to stop at least helps you start; and getting started can sometimes be the toughest part!

Tip 5. Play your 'power song' play list. You know those songs that when you play them, you can't help but tap your feet and start moving? Or when they play during your workout you can't help but push a little harder? Those are your power songs! Maybe it's 60's rock, today's greatest hits of 90's rap; it doesn't matter! Your power songs can transform your lethargy into get-up-and-go energy!

Tip 6. Get inspired! Search online for workouts, or pictures of people doing workouts. Maybe you'll find a new exercise to try, or simply feel more inclined to workout. Just be sure to give yourself a time limit and stay off of social media platforms and email. Otherwise you'll end up spending your workout time surfing the net!

Tip 7. Book an appointment- with someone else. Making a workout appointment; ideally with someone else can really encourage you to stick to a regular exercise routine. While some people enjoy working out solo, you will be more likely to exercise if you are accountable to someone else. Find someone- whether it is a workout buddy or fitness coach to keep you accountable. Not only will this help you stick with it, but working out with a partner will make your exercise session more enjoyable and something you look forward to.

Tanja Shaw is a healthy-eating enthusiast, Rotarian, passionate entrepreneur, mom, runner, and owner of Ascend Fitness Inc. Tanja and her team of expert fitness coaches inspire and educate Chilliwack residents to make positive and power changes in their lives through physical fitness and sound nutrition. Visit Ascend Fitness Inc. at

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