Finding the Right Family Fitness Center

Getting fit as a family can be fun! Whether you have young children or teenagers, joining a family fitness center is a great way to stay active and enjoy each other's company. With a number of facilities in your area, choosing the right one may be challenging. Before you commit to a family fitness center, here are some things to consider.

1. Always begin your search for a facility in your neighborhood. Roughly 67 percent of people with gym memberships never use them. One factor that causes this is the distance. If you choose a facility in a neighboring community, you are much less likely to use it. Choosing a gym that is a quick car ride or a brief walk from your home is a much better option. If it's convenient, you are much more likely to frequent the facility on a regular basis.

2. Shop around for costs. The average monthly gym membership is $58 per person, so buying gym memberships for your entire family can get expensive. Look for gyms that offer a flat rate or offer a very low monthly fee. You are also going to want to consider initiation fees. Some places may have a zero dollar fee while others may charge a fairly high amount. Always check out costs before signing any contracts.

3. Does the gym offer childcare services? Even though the goal of joining a gym together is to spend time and have fun with your loved ones, childcare is important, especially if you have young children. When they become tired or if they are too small to partake in certain activities, childcare services can be very beneficial.

4. Take a tour of the location before making a decision. Studies show that 88 percent of adults won't exercise in an unclean gym. Security and cleanliness are thus very important. Take a tour of the locker rooms and restrooms as well as any classrooms, childcare rooms, and swimming pools the location may offer. Ask for a tour of everything; never settle for what you see at the front desk. Be sure to inquire about security. Can anyone walk in? Is there always someone at the front desk? Will you need to bring your own locks for the locker room? Are there cameras? You can never be too safe when it comes to your loved ones.

5. Inquire about the fitness center staff. Are they certified instructors? Do they have personal training certifications or group fitness certifications? Are they certified in CPR? Are staff members required to know first aid? Asking questions can help to ensure that your loved ones are safe.

6. Make sure you know the facility's hours. Pick a location that has hours that work with your schedule. If the kids have plenty of after-school activities, you are likely going to want a gym that has weekend hours.
The decision to join a family fitness center is a great one for all of your loved ones. From the smallest members to the oldest members, everyone can benefit from physical activity.

When considering a family fitness center, NJ residents can learn more by visiting
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Get Motivated For Your Workout

I like exercise. Let me rephrase that: I like the benefits of exercise. I enjoy feeling strong and energized. I like the way my body looks when I workout regularly. I like knowing I can go for a hike, try out a new sport or embark on any type of physical activity and be confident that I am likely fit enough to do it.
Despite all the benefits of exercise, there are days when I simply don't feel like working out. I'm not sick; I'm just lazy. I would dare to bet that I am not alone.

Today I'm going to share with you a few tips to get you motivated to workout on those days when you know you should workout, but you are compelled to turn off your alarm and go back to sleep, or bypass the gym on your drive home from work. Some of the tips will work for you, some will not. Pick and choose your own adventure and get ready to stick to your workout plan!

Tip 1. Visualize how you're going to feel after your workout. Do you feel invigorated, accomplished and clear minded? Do you feel proud of yourself for deciding to workout even when you didn't feel like it? Sometimes simply fast-forwarding to the positive after-effects of a workout is enough to get you going.

Tip 2. Remind yourself of your WHY. Why is your workout important to you? What is your reason to workout? Are you training for a race? Is it an outlet for stress release? Do you want to live an active lifestyle so you can be there for your grandkids? There's a reason why you had planned to workout; you just need to remember it!

Tip 3. Get dressed. You may be surprised how many people tell me that one of the barriers to exercise is having to change in and out of their workout clothes. Taking that first step can be a monumental leap toward starting your workout. Once you're dressed, you'll likely feel more inclined to go ahead with your workout. As a bonus, pick out a fun, cute or new exercise outfit.

Tip 4. Skip the 'all or nothing' mentality and start small. Often we skip our workout because we don't want to, or don't have time do complete the entire thing. We think, "what's the point?" I know I'm guilty of this faulty thought process! A 10-minute walk is better than the 45-minute run you never did. If you don't want to do your entire workout, then don't. Just start, and if after 5 or 10 minutes you really honestly don't feel any more inclined to workout, then stop. You can 'check' workout off for the day because you did it! Giving yourself permission to stop at least helps you start; and getting started can sometimes be the toughest part!

Tip 5. Play your 'power song' play list. You know those songs that when you play them, you can't help but tap your feet and start moving? Or when they play during your workout you can't help but push a little harder? Those are your power songs! Maybe it's 60's rock, today's greatest hits of 90's rap; it doesn't matter! Your power songs can transform your lethargy into get-up-and-go energy!

Tip 6. Get inspired! Search online for workouts, or pictures of people doing workouts. Maybe you'll find a new exercise to try, or simply feel more inclined to workout. Just be sure to give yourself a time limit and stay off of social media platforms and email. Otherwise you'll end up spending your workout time surfing the net!

Tip 7. Book an appointment- with someone else. Making a workout appointment; ideally with someone else can really encourage you to stick to a regular exercise routine. While some people enjoy working out solo, you will be more likely to exercise if you are accountable to someone else. Find someone- whether it is a workout buddy or fitness coach to keep you accountable. Not only will this help you stick with it, but working out with a partner will make your exercise session more enjoyable and something you look forward to.

Tanja Shaw is a healthy-eating enthusiast, Rotarian, passionate entrepreneur, mom, runner, and owner of Ascend Fitness Inc. Tanja and her team of expert fitness coaches inspire and educate Chilliwack residents to make positive and power changes in their lives through physical fitness and sound nutrition. Visit Ascend Fitness Inc. at

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Tips On How To Stay Fit While Working From Home

For those of us who work from home, we often get so engrossed in our work that we forget one very important aspect of life: personal wellness. Have you ever thought of how your health gets affected whenever you sit down for long hours while typing and sipping bottomless cups of coffee? It was not until it hit me hard that I realized I had to do something.

One very basic thing I always forgot to do was to get out of that seat and do some exercise to stay fit, which was what eventually caused me to spend some two weeks at the hospital due to clogged arteries. During my admission to the hospital, I was given some tips on how to stay fit while still balancing my personal health, my family wellness and my work at the same time. It would be unfair if I failed to share some of these tips on how to stay fit while working from home.

Avoid staying up late for work - get organized!

Plan your day early, set up daily goals and develop a schedule for yourself to keep. This will assist you in avoiding those long night hours trying to clear the day's work. What many of us do not know is that staying up late into the night adversely affects your health. We are human, right? One of the body's natural methods of recovery is through sleep. Depriving your body of a good night's sleep will lead to fatigue and eventually this affects your overall health hugely - believe me. Go to sleep early and wake up early.

Go easy on that coffee, buddy!

One thing I always did whenever I felt worn out (or even just bored) was drinking coffee. I like the taste, and it made me feel refreshed too. Despite the numerous attempts made by my wife to stop me from consuming so much coffee, I went on. What I came to learn is that caffeine is not that healthy if you consume it too much and in the longer term. Drink water instead whenever you feel thirsty, plenty of it! And instead of coffee, what about some healthy green tea? Hipster style, baby!

Avoid too much junk food 

Working at home means the freedom to eat anytime you feel your stomach grumbling. Admit it, most of you eat non-healthy snacks regularly while working. Be smart, strike off any junk food from your shopping list, and instead replace them with fresh fruits, zero-calorie crackers and juices.


The push-ups or press-ups exercises have really worked for me and I strongly advise you to try them. Push-ups work out the triceps and the biceps, are a form of cardiovascular exercise and also work out the chest muscles. One more thing - such an exercise does not even require you to get out of the house. You only need to squeeze at least ten minutes after every two hours of work to do a push-up exercise. Work out those muscles and stay fit and comfortable while working, as this exercise also straightens your aching back.

Have breaks and take a short nap whenever you feel tired

Rest is of so much importance, especially for those who do professional work from home which engages them mentally, like me. You can schedule short breaks from your work for yourself. This should be at least twice or thrice per day depending on the complexity of your work, as this will enable you stay fresh and avoid fatigue and straining your body. That is how much good just a ten-minute nap could do.

Get up from that seat and stretch out

Whenever you feel like your back is straining, that means it's time to take a short break to stretch out. You can also take a short walk around the block to breathe in some fresh air. This will keep your system fresh and will have a positive impact on your health as it allows blood to flow well in your body. This counters the effects of sitting for a long time and helps you avoid back strains.

Are you a parent? Get out and play with your kids (and pets) in the yard

During your scheduled breaks, you can take your son or daughter out to the yard and play some outdoor games, even if it's only for a short while before getting back to your work. Aside from your fitness, 15 - 30 minutes playtime with your kids does wonders for your family relationship. You can also take your pet out for a stroll if you have one. Walking is a good exercise and you should always try to do it quite often in order to stay healthy and fit.

Park the car and walk instead

Walk often. If it's only several blocks to your destination, don't bother driving a car. It might take several minutes longer to do the errands, but the health benefit for your body is tremendous! Another idea is to park your car a bit farther away than usual so you have to do a bit of walking to reach your intended destination.
Staying fit and healthy is important to a work-at-home Parents. You must never let your work negatively affect any aspect of your life as they are equally important to you. Your health should come first before any other thing. Staying fit does not have to involve strenuous exercises at the gym; instead, staying fit and healthy starts with a positive mindset, and then the simple things which you can do in the comfort of your home.

It is very essential for you to know how to stay fit while working at home because in the end, money doesn't mean anything if you are not healthy. As a matter of fact, developing healthy habits is not only for those of us who work from home. Whether you are a white-collar or a blue-collar worker, you have a responsibility to remain fit in order to avoid any health complications brought about by any unhealthy habits you have.

I would strongly recommend that office workers use some of the tips I mentioned earlier, like doing some push-ups at the office during their free hours. This will ensure you remain fit and healthy. Remember, life is a one-way journey and never a rehearsal, so whatever you do always maintain and practice healthy habits at all times.

Laurent Green is a mom blogger, web author and work-at-home writer. Currently she's the main author and contributor for the natural living blog,

She's very passionate and writes mostly about about all natural way of living, green lifestyle, clean eating, healthy recipes, alternative healing and family wellness.

Visit for more of her articles!

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Importance of Staying Hydrated in Fitness Properly

The main importance of staying hydrated in fitness is to keep your body functioning the way it is designed to function. Your muscle tissue is made up of about seventy-five percent water. When you exercise intensely and become dehydrated your muscles cannot perform as they are designed to do. Your strength, power, and muscle tone will be lost because you let your body get low on water.

When a car engine runs low on water and you keep driving the car the engine will overheat, and parts will start to fail, and eventually the car engine will stop working. When you deplete the water in your body your muscles will cramp, you will become tired, and your body will start to try and shut down some systems so that the basic systems can operate. If you stay dehydrated for too long your body will become violently ill and eventually you will die from a lack of water.

What to drink and what not to drink to stay hydrated for fitness

• Water is the best fluid that you can drink. You need to drink between six and eight cups of water a day. That is eight ounce measuring cups of water. Water is natural, has no calories, and will replenish your body better than any other fluid on earth.

• Sports drinks can help you to replace electrolytes that you have lost, but you need to be careful with sports drinks. Many sports drinks are loaded with sugars that you do not need, and with other elements you do not need. Search for sports drinks that are low in sugar and sodium.

• Stay away from caffeinated beverages.

• Never drink anything with alcohol in it because alcohol actually dehydrates you instead of hydrating you
Ways to make sure you stay hydrated properly

1. Make it a goal to drink between seven and ten ounces of fluid for every twenty minutes of exercise you do

2. Drink sports drinks and coconut water each day to help replace electrolytes you lose during exercise

3. You can get some of your fluid by eating fruits that will provide you with fluid and natural electrolytes

4. Weigh yourself before you start to exercise and after you have finished. For each pound of weight you 
lose while you are exercising you need to drink an additional sixteen ounces of water to rehydrate your body properly.

5. When you notice a decline in your muscle performance, or your muscles start to feel fatigued then drink more fluids.
The Physical Edge wants everyone to know the importance of staying hydrated while exercising. Your exercise regimen cannot do your body good if you are depleting your body of the fluids it needs.

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Getting Fit Over Fifty

Writing is a very sedentary career. We spend hours hunched over a computer either researching or doing the writing. When we get finished (at least for me) the lack of movement creates pain... and I don't want to go add to it by exercising. That's not such a wise move on my part.

How it's different: By fifty many of us have discovered health concerns. High blood pressure, heart disease, lung problems and worse, joint problems. Moving around is painful even if we aren't exercising.

This affects our ability to do just anything in the way of exercising. Taking up running after not doing so for half our lives isn't necessarily the right way to go. Instead we have to approach it from a different angle.

What angle? First we have to cover the medical angle. Even athletes in junior and senior high schools have to have a physical before they can join a team. Compared to theirs ours will be a bit more comprehensive. High impact sports on a knee ridden with arthritis is a recipe for disaster. So is running if the heart and/or lungs can't keep up.

Second we need to get more training. It's different than it was when we were young. There are more types of exercise available and a lot more equipment. Learning or relearning how to do it correctly is important for our safety and the safety of those around us.

Last we need to consider what we eat and drink. We need to keep our calories balanced the proper way. If we need to lose weight we need to burn more calories than we consume. If we're at the right weight we need to make sure the calories are about even.

Nutrition is important. Our nutritional needs may change due to health concerns. What we could eat at 25 is not always what we should eat over 50.

What we drink is of equal concern. To be honest, I enjoy cola drinks. I can't stand artificial sweetener so those little cans pack a bunch of empty calories, not to mention what it does to tooth and other body parts.
Caffeine in any form may not be our friend anymore. I know people who drink coffee all day long. They're used to it and they don't like what happens when they cut back... until it's all out of their system. Then they wonder how they could handle all of it.

I would suggest that those of us over 50 that want to get fit consult the doctor, a nutritionist and a physical trainer, preferably in that order. That is going to be the best way to get fit.

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Making A "Smart Start" For Fitness

To start any health care program on an empowering note, here are a few of my special, personal tips to create new opportunities for successful achievement of your health and wellness goals.

1) Commit to achieving your goals by making yourself right.

When you make choices from a negative perspective, you make yourself wrong, which is a total set-up for failure. There are enough things in life that are positioned to invalidate you, so beating up on yourself is a certain path to disaster. Choosing to create habits that support your health, happiness, and enjoyment of life are empowering motivations. Get clear on what you really want and trust that you have the power and the ability to make a loving commitment to achieve your goals. Know that it is your right to be healthy and happy - whatever that is for you. Give yourself permission to go for and have what you desire.

2) Determine your "ideal" according to who you are.

Get clear on whether you are respecting your cultural and unique characteristics in your concept of health and beauty or whether you are being a "slave to media conditioning." Educate yourself to your body type and form and the fashion styles that compliment you.

3) Respect the process.

A truly bad habit is to be in a hurry for results. It took a lifetime of experiences to get where you are now, so allow yourself time to appreciate your individual process of self-discovery in order to make lasting changes. You do this by:

a) forgiving yourself for your past and respecting it as a learning experience;

b) empowering yourself to be in the NOW by:

i) letting go of the past and choosing to be responsible to your present choices;

ii) creating small goals to lead to larger ones;

iii) affirming yourself through the process without condemning yourself for slip-ups, and

c) educating yourself for intelligent and proper self-care. Learn how and what to do to safely and wisely progress in your personal maintenance program.

4) Begin correctly and enjoy long-lasting results.

Start with professional guidance. Investigate the credentials and educational background of the professionals you choose to ensure they are right for you. Use a search engine to determine what the curriculum is for their certifications, degrees, etc., and research questions (and answers) to interview any prospective pro that you hire. It is wise to make a small investment at the start of your program rather than suffering huge costs (quite probably financial, medical, etc.) caused by attempting to take short-cuts and save a buck. Remember, you are investing in your most valuable resource: you.

5) Trust that you have the right and the power to achieve your goals.

A few tips for keeping the faith are:

a) develop a routine of daily affirmations. The "chatter" that goes on in your mind can often be influenced by negative thoughts so it is important to consciously affirm yourself to stay motivated;

b) give daily thanks for all you have. An "attitude of gratitude" keeps your focus on just how fortunate you really are which is one of the most empowering, motivational tools you have;

c) like your "exercise look" to feel good about yourself while doing this part of your wellness program; and
d) give yourself daily, weekly and monthly rewards for what you've done towards your goal achievements.

6) Create a loving support system with a motivation partner(s).

Choose someone of "like energy" with whom you easily recognize your true power to share your goals, dreams, stresses, and success. It is important to have someone who is on the same level of commitment and motivation to stay focused and to battle the tough times and naysayers with you. Advertise for an exercise buddy at your fitness facility, online (e.g., on social networking sites), your local newspaper, etc.

7) Be creative and have fun!

Try new things. Research new modalities. Be brave and try them. You have nothing to lose (choose wisely - see all steps above) and you'll have a good time with new adventures!

For more tips and resources, - Make It Your Business To Know Your Body!
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What Does Being Fit Really Teach Us?

We make choices in life. Each one of us is unique in our own ways. As individuals, our minds are in control of everything - those that we do, those that we want to do and those that we want to have. Our eagerness and determination to work hard in achieving the things that we think we can't do or the things that we think we can't have will determine our future.

Physical fitness as described in Wikipedia, is a general state of health and well-being or specifically the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations. Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutrition, exercise, hygiene and rest. It is a set of attributes or characteristics that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity. Physical fitness means being healthy and free from illness and the ability to be involved in physical activities, such as running, jumping, swimming, weight lifting, etc. Since our first few years in school, we have been introduced to physical fitness and sports. Some of us discovered our talents and became athletes. Others would always try their best to excel in sports even if they believe that they don't have the said talent. They are those people who believe in the saying, "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard." Now, let's talk about those who are neither athletes nor enthusiasts. They are these type of people:

1) An average guy who wants to look better, have bigger arms, broader shoulders, thicker chest and finely carved abs.

2) A person who thinks he or she is fat and aims to have a smaller waistline or a flat tummy.

3) A skinny guy who wants to build more muscle.

4) A man or a woman who wants to become stronger and feel better.

5) An elderly who is fighting a disease and was advised by the doctor to start exercising. The main goal is to look better. Next is to feel better, stronger and healthier.

In my own opinion, physical fitness is a complex state. It is a definition of how a person lives his or her life. It is an enigmatic evidence of feeling great from inside out. It is a result of discipline, hard work, humility,
curiosity, and perseverance.

These characteristics, for me, are the main ingredients in becoming successful in your fitness goals.


Not eating your favorite comfort food or not drinking your favorite soda, getting yourself tired three, four or five times a week, spending your time running outside instead of just lying in bed - these are not a good idea to many. When you have discipline, you know that you have to do what you don't want to.


Focusing on your goal, looking forward to achieving your desired body or physical ability and pushing yourself hard are not really hard to do at all. Always tell yourself to strive more for better results. Hard work pays off at the end of the day.


Always keep in mind that you don't need to be better than someone else. There will always be that person who looks better than you or is stronger than you. Sometimes you will be that person too. There is no competition with anyone but yourself. Bragging about what you have will get you nowhere.

There are a lot of fitness experts and magazines online nowadays. Social media is one of the best ways to get advice and tips from. You only need to take the time to read those advice and tips and try applying them. Having a friend who is experienced in physical fitness will also be a bonus. But also limit yourself to hearsay.


There will be times that you get frustrated, unmotivated, hopeless and unprogressive. Don't just quit right away. Remember the first day of your workout until the next weeks, months and years that you feel a lot stronger than ever before. Never think of giving up and put to waste what you have already started. You will notice the changes in your body as you take pictures every now and then, either monthly or bimonthly, or anytime you want to take note of your progress.

As you take the journey to achieving your goals and having the physique that you always wanted, you will eventually learn and practice the qualities mentioned above. You will also get used to eating healthier foods and limit or exclude those unhealthy ones in your everyday meal. You will start to add and love more protein, green and leafy vegetables, healthy fats and fiber to your diet. But remember, there is no perfect diet, a very good advice or an excellent trainer to help you with your goal if your mind is not set to work with keen interest. In addition, you'll be more successful if you keep an open mind and be teachable all the time.

Although there will be times that you feel like your expectations are not met. You will feel like there are no changes in your body as how you want it to be. You'll be in the stage of reaching the so-called plateau and you notice that there is no progress anymore, you're not getting any bigger, leaner or stronger.

Your only competition here is yourself. Every time you look in the mirror, you will see that person in front of you. You would always want to look better than that one there. Every time you feel like quitting, every time you feel tired and losing the drive, just think of what you will achieve when you keep going.

You need to decide where you want to be. Are you contented with what you just have? Would you just accept the fact that you can't achieve something new for yourself? Or would you want to experience the triumph of conquering your limitations? As the great Arnold Schwarzenegger said, make your mind work for you, not against you. You just have to be patient, continue doing what you have started, keep an open mind because everyday is a learning process, enjoy yourself until the day you realize that you have already reached your goal. By then, you will know exactly what I'm talking about right now.

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These 3 Motivational Words Will Put Your Exercise Program In Overdrive!

What three motivational words can you say to yourself that will put your exercise program in overdrive and make your fitness dreams come true?

"I Want To!"

Too often we approach our fitness routines with the thought "I have to," and it produces a counterproductive attitude toward our fitness program. Say both phrases out loud (if you're in a public place you can wait till you get home... or not) and pay attention to how it feels within your body. "I have to" produces dread and a "heavy" feeling. "I want to" produces an extra pep in your step and a joy associated with whatever you want to do.

How I used this phrase to help me.

I'll be honest, getting myself to work out is not difficult at all. I just set a plan, follow it, and adapt along the way. It's one of the reasons I became a personal trainer; it has pretty much come easy to me. But there are goals I have had that have really challenged me mentally and emotionally. In fact I am going through one right now.

Back in February I threw caution to the wind and hired a French teacher to, well, teach me French. I knew French back when I was a wee tike but lost it when we moved to the States. And ever since I could remember I have wanted to relearn it. So I started doing my research, looking for a teacher, and I found Sabine. Born in France, she has a PhD in French studies and is a teacher... DING DING DING! I stalked her down and got her to meet with me, and after a nice chat I knew it would work. So even though I was still trying to build my business, take care of a baby, and learn a new city, I committed. I told her I would be with her for at least a year, and we got started.

(P.S. There are a lot of really good teaching points in this last paragraph about achieving your goals. You might want to go back and reread it.)

This French teacher is kicking my butt!

I was so gung ho those first couple of classes, and I was feeling really excited about finally being able to speak French. And then I got hit smack in the face with reality. I remember it really clearly, that feeling of being overwhelmed and all the negative thoughts flooding into my head. "There is no way I can learn all this." "You'll never get this." Etc., etc. I continued because I do not like to quit, but I was trying to power through these thoughts and feelings. I "had to" do this! Push Push Push!

Then the thought came to me, "I want to do this," and I felt the calmness that came with it. Done. I don't question things when they are this clear. So I started to approach learning French in this manner, and it has helped me tremendously. Do I still get frustrated and impatient? You bet I do! But I don't let it become me. Because I "want to" I can now relax, have fun, and consequently learn more efficiently.

What's running in your head?

Do you "have to" go work out? Or do you "want to"? If you "have to," you are fighting yourself and it will make accomplishing your goals exponentially harder. If you "want to," you are enjoying the process and it will allow you to get to where you want to go quicker. So add a little "want to" in your life.

I own a personal training company in Santa Fe, NM and have been training for 20 years. And I know that you can have the best program in the world, but if don't have the mental part down you will just be "spinning your wheels." Go to to download my free report "The 3 TIps You Can't Afford To Miss... " where I talk about this in detail and so much more!

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Does Fitness = Health?

There seems to be a great deal of emphasis these days about attaining the perfect abs, sculpted upper arms, toned calves and getting rid of every ounce of fat.

Magazines, reality shows, advertisements, and celebrities all tout the perfect physique; at what price? Working out at a gym, jogging, doing Pilates, Yoga or any form of vigorous activity to maintain physical health is fine when done on an appropriate scale.

It is now an accepted fact that our mind and body are connected. We also know that moderate exercise does bring about positive mental benefits as physical activity increases oxygen flow to the brain and produces greater amounts of endorphins, otherwise known as 'feel-good chemicals'.

But what is moderate for each of us? I know people who go overboard with exercise and are obsessed with physical fitness to the exclusion of their mental wellbeing. They end up damaging both mind and body in the process.

Worst of all they judge others who don't follow their regime of running marathons and triathlons not knowing that they are the ones who need to re-balance their lives.

Today more than ever I come across so many fitness buffs. They work out in a frenzied almost obsessive-compulsive manner but prefer to sweep emotional issues they face under the rug.

An extreme example I can recall was a company director who took part in ironman events in the region. An ironman event consists of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bicycle ride and a 26.2-mile marathon, raced in that order and without a break. He was an avid runner and cyclist whose life revolved around these events and constant training in between despite having young children.

Not even getting pneumonia during a couple of the events and being hospitalised could keep him away! He once got himself discharged earlier before full recovery because he wanted to take part in another race.
For all his physical prowess the sad thing was that as a member of the senior management team he totally lacked people skills. His cold demeanour made staff afraid of him and they did their best to avoid him.

On the other hand I recall the words of my Managing Director when I worked in banking. He was a slim, healthy man in his 50's then. When I asked what he did for exercise weekly he said a 20 to 30 minute run on the treadmill a few times a week kept his mind clear and his body healthy.

There is something off kilter with society today when fitness freaks think that they are healthy. I don't believe that fitness equals health. I know of too many people who have dropped dead on the golf course or who died young from no real reason except in my mind, due to overworking the body.

I look back at my parents and grandparents and at farmers who toil their land. They do a natural amount of exercise, commensurate with what the body can take. They kept to nature and what the body was built for. Today the overworking of our bodies in doing a marathon for instance requires a buildup of protein with special diets to get the body ready for the big day.

Some recorded symptoms of overworking the body include loss of focus, sluggishness, chronic joint and bones pains, lack of motivation and falling sick more often. This to me is highly unnatural and one I am hesitant to condone in my own life. What are they trying to prove?

As an NLP Trainer I see people like this running away from themselves. They are obviously running loops in their addictive strategies that don't allow them to exit. They are sports aficionados who never miss a game of cricket, golf, or tennis and who also only 'talk' sports off the field. They might think that an addiction in sport is a good thing but any addiction takes us out of balance and something else suffers eventually.

Changing mindsets is a near impossible task with these people as they hibernate in their comfort zone refusing to open up to new possibilities. When such individuals turn up in my workshops they invariably stay aloof from the rest of the group and again take cover behind a sports buff façade. It is like there is an emotional wall between mind and body with the connection switched off.

I strongly feel that the closer we keep to nature the closer we are to home. I see people like this embracing addictions and they don't even realise it. They are at DIS-EASE with themselves. The erroneous belief of fitness equals health is their downfall that eventually leads to physical ailments.

In creating effective people in companies, I make sure the mind-body connection is discussed at length. When I feel well I am able to operate at higher productivity.

Sylvia Fernandes is the Founder & CEO of VIA Frontiers established in Sydney in 2002. She is a corporate NLP trainer and consults in creating effective people in the Asia Pacific Region. She is also the author of Bye Bye Black Cat - Turn Your Luck Around to Realise Opportunities - available at Email for more information.

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Starting A Fitness Program At Home Made Simple

For a lot of people, going to a fitness center works just about fine. However, not everyone has the time and resources to visit a gym on a regular basis. You need to think out of the box if you do want to keep your body fit. It is important for you to start a proper fitness program at home so that you can conveniently work out. The article discussed below will tell you more about beginning a fitness program at home. You must pay proper attention towards the article given below.

Have a closer look at the key instructions given below that will help you in starting a fitness program at home.

1. Talk to your physician directly if you want to start a fitness regime which helps you keep your body fit. Get some advice on the right program which should be selected. Consider choosing various cardiovascular exercises that could help you in losing excess amount of fat. Ask him to do a complete body checkup on you so that you get to know more about your heart rate and other health conditions.

2. Now, you must think about the different cardio options available with you. If possible, you should try and arrange a treadmill. Consider biking if you do have weaker knees. It would allow you to burn more and more calories in the shortest possible time. Biking will also reduce the overall impact of exercising on your body. Try and ride the bike for at least 30 minutes daily so that you can lose some quick weight and keep your body intact for a long period of time.

3. Decide what kind of strength training you're planning to go for. You will have to create some proper strategies so that you can easily practice strength training in the right manner. Search the internet for some of the ready-made fitness programs so that you can generate some fine results on the go. You must ensure that you work out your abs properly.

4. Expand the program regularly so that you can improve the results over a consistent period of time. Work hard to build some intense muscles at home. You could consider purchasing a skipping rope and a chest expander for working on your entire body. It will also help you in gaining some flexibility and strength over a period of time.

5. At last, you got to fully commit to your fitness schedule at home so that you can get completely fit.
These are some of the key instructions that could help you in starting a fitness program at home.
Are you looking for some ways to improve your fitness at home? If yes, then you can visit the website today.
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Top Tips for Getting Fit Quick!

Eat a balanced diet

To function at its optimum level, your body requires the correct type of fuel, just like any other machine! Each day you should be looking to include a minimum of five portions of fruit and vegetables into your diet, alongside a variety of high-protein foods.

Fast food does not have to be junk food; fruit is a brilliant "fast food" to substitute your usual bag of crisps or chocolate hit! In addition, you must watch out for ready meals and "on the go" snacks you pick up at the shop - you might think you're making a "healthy" choice, but actually many prepared foods contain various preservatives and no-good chemicals. You're much better off preparing your own meals from scratch at home!

Drink enough water

Just like with food, your body requires the correct amount of water to stay hydrated and function properly. For adults, it is recommended that men drink two litres and women drink 1.6 litres of water, per day.
If you struggle to meet this target, try substituting still water for sparkling or soda water. If you're feeling especially adventurous, you could even add sliced lemon and lime to the mix. As well as giving it a bit of a "zing", this combination is renowned as a great detox drink.

Exercise regularly

To avoid the excess energy from foods you consume being stored as fat in your body, regular exercise is required.

Exercise has never been more fundamental; with so many individuals working 9am - 5pm office jobs five days a week, physical activity is limited. Therefore, it's especially important that you make a conscious effort to exercise outside of work hours, whenever you can.

24 hour gyms give us the option to workout at any time of the day, so you have no excuse not to!

Make a plan

Results can be achieved more easily by creating (and sticking to!) a detailed plan. Your plan should clearly map out your determined exercise regime, as well as a timetable of when you will be carrying out your workouts.

If you find it difficult to stick to a healthy diet, draw up a thorough food plan for each week in advance. If you only pick up the foods you require for the week ahead when grocery shopping, your cupboards won't end up filled with naughty snacks to tempt you!

Monitor your progress

Weighing yourself weekly will allow you to discover how your body is adapting to your current workout and diet plan.

It is also a great idea to take a "progress shot" of yourself once a week; this will allow you to look back and view the progress you've made over a given period of time. This is such a simple technique, but it can be an incredibly effective motivator!

Make a collage

Create a collage of various pictures that represent the reasons why you're making a conscious effort to live a more fit and healthy lifestyle.

Once complete, display it in a prominent place within your home. Through seeing this daily it will help motivate you to achieve your desired goals.

Never miss a day

Often, missing one day can lead to missing several days; before you know it you're caught up in a vicious cycle and have given up your workout plan altogether.
To avoid this it is recommended that any missed days are made up on other days when you'd planned to rest. Whatever you do, try not to break the habit!

Educate yourself

There are constantly new tips and tricks on how to become fitter being uploaded to the web. Make the most of the free advice, but be cautious of any fad diets you read about; more often than not you'll end up spending a fortune on "magic" food or supplements which probably won't have any effect whatsoever.
A healthy, varied diet and plenty of exercise is the way to go!

Go shopping!

When working hard, it is always a good idea to reward yourself once you have reached your desired goals. For example if you have dropped a dress size to reach your ideal weight, treat yourself to a new item of clothing.

This will not only help your self-esteem and make you feel great, it will also motivate you towards achieving your next goal!

Following the above advice will help you live not only a fitter and healthier lifestyle, but a happier one too. Good luck!

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5 Things to Do to Remain Fit

Fitness mania has spread across the globe. Everybody wants to stay fit and look good. This is mainly because people are increasingly realizing the benefits of a healthy lifestyle to living longer, healthier and happier. As they say, 'a healthy mind resides in a healthy body'.
However, fitness does not mean only eating healthy or working out in isolation. It is the simultaneous and synchronized combination of both and more that will help you to keep up a healthy lifestyle.

Eat healthy

It is important to pay proper attention to what you eat or consume for a fit body. Find out your carbohydrate and other nutrition requirements. Plan your diet according to eat. Go for the leafy greens, fresh fruits and vegetables, good fats, whole grains, lean beef or skinless chicken, eggs and oatmeal.

Eat Wisely

Eat small at regular intervals, instead of three large meals. This will keep a constant supply of energy to the body along with other nutrients required for proper functioning of your body's various body building functions. Take combination of carbohydrate and protein rich food after your workout session to make for the loss of energy and boost muscle-building operation. By boosting insulin levels, carbohydrates deliver amino acids to muscles, thereby starting the muscle-building process.

Take Supplements

While intake of proteins from natural sources is extremely important, whey proteins or mass gainer supplements are essential for both bodybuilders and non-bodybuilders for muscle mass gains. These supplements taken as boosters should not be depended on completely for your protein source. People who work out regularly consume it first things in the morning before workout and after it, because protein stimulates muscle growth. However, it is all right for others to take it after their workout.

Work Out Scientifically

Working out does not mean running the treadmill for 15 minutes every day or lifting two kg of weight. A proper workout regime should be well planned depending on your present capacity of the body, what you want to achieve, how fast you want to build your muscle, how much body fat you want or want to lose, your medical conditions, etc. Your diet plays an equally important role in how much you should workout.

Heal Your Body

Just like food and exercise, sleep is as important. It helps your body to heal, repair and rejuvenate all wear and tear of the body. An ideal amount of sleep required by a normal person is seven to eight hours a day.
Supplements must be taken only under an expert;s guidance. Those who do muscle building requires them the most. Vitamonster is an online supplement store providing every type of natural bodybuilding supplements.

Please Visit -

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Making a Start on Getting Fit - It Has To Be Fun

The western world is rapidly dividing into three groups: those that love exercise, eat healthy food and are as lean as whips; those who enjoy eating, drinking and sitting-down activities and who are usually quite overweight; and those who are fairly fit, a bit overweight but who periodically take themselves in hand, reduce their calories, step up the exercise and get their weight down.

My main concern is for the people in the definitely overweight group, who are heavy enough that exercise is uncomfortable and maybe even a little risky due to the pressure it puts on their hearts. It is all very well to lecture them about losing weight, but really, what can they do about it? It is all too easy to fall back on comfort eating and ignoring the health problems. They give up, in other words.

Well there is something that can be done, and it starts from recognising that very small increases in activity can help, and that finding the fun in exercise is crucial to success.

I am a strong advocate of the benefits of walking to improving health. Walking is something that all but the most seriously overweight can do. It doesn't need special equipment, and what's often more important to may people who are self-conscious about their weight, it's something you can do without drawing attention to yourself.

The best way to start is to just go for a short walk every day. Try to find a walk you enjoy as this will immediately make the exercise a pleasure rather than a chore. Walk by a lake or river; walk in a park; walk through a market; walk round the shops; walk round an art gallery. Choose somewhere you like so you enjoy yourself.

It's important to keep your walks short to start with, as if you tackle too long a walk before you are ready for it, you won't enjoy it and are likely to give up. Just starting with ten or fifteen minutes every day, you will soon begin to gain the strength and stamina to enjoy longer walks. It is not a quick fix solution that will magically make you thin, but it is something you can build on as your fitness improves. You do need to do it every day, however.

I enjoy walking very much, and most days get out for at least one walk lasting an hour or so. I also enjoy classes including Pilates and yoga, and I know that it is the fact that I regularly walk that has made me fit enough to be able to stick to these classes. I often see less fit people trying and giving up, and the reason is usually that more demanding exercises are too tough to enjoy unless you are have built up your fitness through walking.

If you or someone you know is secretly worried about your health but don't feel that exercise is for you, I implore you to try walking. Your life could be longer, healthier and happier if you do.
More of my suggestions for making walking an enjoyable activity are included in my Kindle book, "A beginners guide to walking for pleasure" ASIN B00L3D7ENY.

Read my blog too, at

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How to Walk For Fitness

It was a physical awakening, that magical day as a toddler that you took your very first step. Even though you were clumsy and hesitant, it opened up a whole new world for you.

Actually, at first you were really bad at it. You tumbled and fell, ran into things, and tried again. The only injuries you ever got were not from over-use, but more likely scrapes and bruises that seem to come with the learning process of walking. It wasn't long before you could stop thinking about what you were doing, and walking became as natural as breathing.

Now that you are an adult, you have to consider such things as doing too much too soon and getting yourself injured. Slow and steady is the best way to work yourself into a fitness walking properly as well as adopting the ideal walking technique and posture.

Sure, you walk naturally, but over the years you may have developed bad posture habits that might come back to haunt you once you begin a more physically demanding walking program.

First, you should schedule a physical examination and talk with your doctor about your fitness plans, especially if you have a history of high blood pressure or chest pain.

Make sure your shoes fit properly and are constructed properly for walking. For instance some shoes are designed for side to side movement (like tennis shoes). You want a running or walking shoe that is specifically designed for straight-ahead walking.

Things to consider in your walking form:

Your aim is to keep your back straight and not lean too far backward or forward. This is where your overall posture comes into play. If your posture has always been good, keeping your back straight will not be a problem. If not, it just means you have to concentrate a bit more on the "straight back" technique.

Look straight ahead and not at the ground. This will help ensure that you are maintaining proper posture. If you are looking down at the ground, you are most likely leaning too far forward.

Try and keep your strides compact and uniform. Do not over-stride (take too long of a stride).

Always begin your walking workout with 10 minutes or so of very slow walking before getting into your steady pace.

Sometimes it is also beneficial to stretch after the initial warm-up.

Use the same method to cool down at the end of the walk.

Once you develop a proper walking technique, you will find that it becomes second nature, and you will be getting the most benefit possible from your walking program.

Single lifestyle website featuring articles on relationships, dating, finances, travel, solo travel, the outdoors. cooking, cooking for one, nutrition and much more.

Visit for some great articles on a variety of topics of interest to single people of all ages.

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The Quality of Fitness Is Key

Whether a person is divorced, single, or married it's crucial to pay attention to physical fitness as it plays such an important role regardless of the direction a person's life takes.

Our muscles like to work, rest, and re-build.

They certainly do not like being left unused and sitting idle as that is not what they are meant for. They are meant for us to use in order to carry out any and all physical activities that may challenge us in the course of our lives.

Our heart has many of the same characteristics as all the other muscles in our bodies. The most important to remember is that when we challenge our muscles, they get stronger.

Our muscles like to be challenged and they like it when the work that is asked of them ebbs and flows.
I truly believe that our bodies are the first wonder of the world but in order to be at peak physical condition, our bodies need to be challenged.

If you go out for you walk three times a week at the same slow pace, your heart will get used to that pace and will not be challenged to work harder or to grow so much.

As soon as you challenge a muscle in your body to perform and to work harder than usual, it will grow and become stronger. If you never challenge it, most likely it will begin to shrink and grow weaker.
To me, that's what makes our bodies the first wonder of the world. It is so amazing and complex, that it will try it's best to do our bidding. In other words, if we ask little of it, that's exactly what we'll get.


Take for example, someone who is suddenly relegated to a wheelchair forever because of a very bad accident.

As the weeks and months pass, that person's arms, wrists, and shoulders will no doubt grow bigger and stronger. That's because that person's body is taking up the challenge of those arms and shoulders having to propel that wheelchair on a daily basis.

On the other hand, that person's legs will get smaller. The muscles will shrink as they will become victim of atrophy, or lack of use. The body senses no need for those muscles, bones, and tendons, and as a result sees no need to make them stronger.

So now, go back to your three times a week walk. Instead of doing "all" your walking at the same slow, steady pace, try something different. If you are walking for 45 minutes for example, try picking up the speed considerably every 5 or 6 minutes and hold that faster speed for 60 seconds or so. That will make your heart beat faster. It will make it pump more blood to the muscles that are suddenly working harder.

Your heart will get STRONGER.

It has no choice. It has to do your bidding. That's just the way it works. As soon as you challenge your body to work harder it will adapt to do just that.

So really, in all your different types of exercises you should vary the amount of effort. Go hard, go easy, but don't always go the same. Your body will respond to the change and you WILL grow stronger and fitter if you improve the quality of your physical exercise.

Single lifestyle website featuring articles on relationships, dating, finances, travel, solo travel, the outdoors. cooking, cooking for one, nutrition and much more.

Visit for some great articles on a variety of topics of interest to single people of all ages.

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The Fitness Lifestyle: Living It Or Losing It?

When it comes to being healthy and fit - living the fitness lifestyle - every single day you're either living it or losing it. There is no status quo when it comes to a healthy lifestyle; every day your body is a little bit better or a little bit worse...

There's a simple reason for this: you and your body come from opposing viewpoints when it comes to measuring fitness. You want a body with enough muscle and limited fat, right? Your body, on the other hand, has learned through evolution to want just barely enough muscle and sufficient fat stores.

Why does your body want what you would class as unhealthy and unfit? Its job is to 'protect' you and keep you going, and to do that you need sufficient energy no matter what the situation. Energy, in terms of your body, means calories. While your body needs enough muscle to function, muscle burns calories faster than fat does - so 'extra' muscle means a loss of potential energy saved for future needs. Fat, on the other hand, is stored energy - energy your body may need in times of reduced caloric intake. Such times range from the 8 - 12 hour fast between supper and breakfast to times of famine.

That may change over several generations now that we live in a culture of overeating, but for now you're stuck with the genetics formed over the past million or so years when food was much less plentiful and much harder to procure daily.

So to overcome this genetic cycle, you have to remain vigilant in your pursuit of a fitness lifestyle. No, you don't have to hit the gym and lift weights 7 days a week. That would be counter-productive, as you need about 48 hours between sessions for muscles to heal and grow. But you DO need to keep your body in that cycle, so that each day it's either working out or recovering. And proper nutrition should be a daily habit 7 days a week - remember that food is simply fuel, and any day your body doesn't get the right fuel is another non-optimal day for someone looking to lead a healthy fitness lifestyle.

In short, the playing field has changed but your genetics haven't adapted to those changes. You can't just sit back and think your system is going to keep ticking along just fine without your input - it's just not going to happen. So while everything may seem just fine on the surface, if you're not ACTIVELY staying fit and eating right, internally you're backsliding.

Make fitness and healthy eating your daily habit and before long it's no longer a major effort but instead it simply becomes your lifestyle - your healthy lifestyle. If you're young, don't put it off for somewhere down the road - you can be doing irreversible damage to your system in the meantime. Think you have a fast metabolism and can eat anything you want? Talk to a few people with Type 2 Diabetes and you'll find many of them felt the same at your age. No, they didn't put on extra fat from eating anything and everything - but they DID dull their insulin receptors and eventually developed diabetes because of it.

If you're older, don't accept aches and pains on waking or a lack of energy by early evening as normal - both are signs of not being in shape, of not having been living a fitness lifestyle. Get back on track with your exercise and healthy nutrition, get enough sleep and watch how quickly those symptoms disappear!

Your body may not be optimized for your goals, but it WILL respond to the input you give it. If you teach it you need a lot of energy every day, it'll respond accordingly. If you teach it you're going to lift heavier and heavier weights it will respond by building bigger, stronger muscles. If you teach it you're going to run further and further or faster and faster, it will develop the cardiovascular resources to cope with that. It needs your help, of course, in the form of proper fuel - healthy food choices in the right amounts - and it will do what's needed from there.

So did you live the fitness lifestyle today, or did you backslide? The choice is yours and yours alone, so take action on the exercise and healthy nutrition front EVERY day and enjoy your healthy & happy fitness lifestyle and all the benefits that come with it!

D. Champigny is well known in the fitness world - he's a published fitness photographer, certified personal trainer, fitness author and publisher of the popular Flirting With Fitness website. For more help from Champigny, add him to your circles on Google+ today!

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What Exercise Regime Should You Be Considering?

There is now no serious dispute between medical professionals, as to the relationship between a sedentary lifestyle and an increased risk of cardio-vascular problems arising.

In fact, some authorities believe that the lack of exercise in a typical western lifestyle is a far bigger health risk overall than obesity alone.

Of course, it also has to be accepted that we have built a modern technological society where for some people, regular exercise is extremely difficult. If you happen to be stuck behind the desk for eight or 9 hours a day or in the cab of a lorry driving for similar periods of time, getting regular exercise is going to be a challenge.

Even so, doing nothing other than continuing to 'do nothing' is likely to become a potentially serious health risk for you going forward. So, here are a few top tips as to how you can change your lifestyle and keep yourself that bit fitter.
  1. Critically and honestly review how much exercise you get during the average day. Use a pedometer if necessary. If you find that your life is largely sedentary then the most important thing is to take a positive decision to do something about it.
  1. Start thinking about walking at every opportunity as opposed to taking easier options. This is a very 'quick win' and can make a real difference to your fitness and health. So, walk down to the shops instead of using the car. Walk upstairs in your office instead of taking the lift. Do likewise in shopping centres etc. It will all help.
  1. Try to get out for a brisk walk of about 20 minutes' duration at least twice every day. For example, instead of watching the TV or browsing the Internet at lunch, get out stretch your legs instead.
  1. Buy a bicycle and try to go out for a 30 minute cycle each day. You can pick them up second-hand usually for a snip.
  1. Plan in some more extensive activities during the weekend. Just what you do can depend upon your own interests, providing you do something. For example, someone weighing around 100 kilos and swimming at a moderate pace for about an hour will burn 650 calories. Walking, cycling, swimming - just about any activity sport will be far better for you than simply sitting at home doing paperwork and so on.
  1. Join a gymnasium or exercise class of your liking- e.g. pilates, yoga, bushwalking. Doing something you enjoy- means you are going to keep it going for an extended period!
All of these things are likely to be a huge advantage for your health, particularly when they are combined with professionally designed weight loss programs.

Remember though, if your weight is approximately right, that in itself is not a sign you are necessarily fit and healthy or an excuse to do nothing about exercise.

It's perfectly possible to have an acceptable weight but still be leading a lifestyle that is far too sedentary, which will make it more and more difficult to keep maintaining your goal weight. This is because you need exercise to maintain muscle mass and your metabolic rate.

One last thing to consider before starting any sort of formal exercise regime is what you know of your overall health. If you have any existing serious health problems or are significantly overweight, it might be prudent to consult a doctor before kicking off with any programme of demanding exercise.
Whatever you choose- it should be something you enjoy and are capable of fitting it into your lifestyle and or budget for an extended period of time or for life!

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The Four Pillars of Fitness: Making It Work for You

I recently introduced 'The Four Pillars of Fitness' in a blog post. I describe the each pillar as a component of fitness. While fitness will still be strong when anyone of the pillars is not in place, it takes all four to truly be completely fit. Those pillars are Mindset, Diet & Nutrition, Exercise and Sleep. Studies have shown that each area is important for full functioning of our body. You need each area and I need each area for optimal fitness.

Our mindset is the pilot in guiding the behavior and actions that lead to better eating, exercising and enough sleep. Good nutrition is important to feed and fuel the body. For example, you need cholesterol as a structural material for your cell walls and Vitamin B-12 as building material for the myelin on your nerve cells. Exercise is important to build strength, heart health, sound structure, brain health and more. Sleep is important for the brain too.

Each of us has different needs and different lifestyles due to our work, family and more. Making a The Four Pillars of Fitness work for you is important so that you can enjoy a quality and vital life your whole life. Let's go through each point so that you can enact them into your life.

Pillar 1: Mindset.

 There are a number of ways that you can use this pillar. Attitude is one and so is belief. Both are in the same grouping. What you believe about and fitness is important regarding the kind of action you will take. If you want to have the fitness mindset, then start believing that you represent it. When you do that, then you'll take fitness-oriented action. Mindfulness training is one way to get your into focus for fitness. Hypnosis helps in changing subconscious programming and habits. There are many way that I list in my book, 'Mind Your Own Fitness' that can be used.

Pillar 2: Diet and Nutrition.

Many people who exercise falsely believe that they can engage in whatever food they want. To be fully fit, eating the right foods is very important. Supplementation helps to support a diet deficient in certain key nutrients. The importance of proper nutrition is that they help to create new cells, provide the right energy, keeps the body and brain fully functioning. Processed sugars actually lead to inflammation as well as brain shrinkage. Dr. Lori Shemek has a wonderful book on using nutrition to burn fat fast; 'Fire-Up Your Fat Burn'.

Pillar 3: Exercise.

Muscular strength and endurance are very important throughout our life. When we are weak and frail, injuries become more prominent. Additionally, your body and brain get's other benefits from exercise. The more intense the exercise, the more a certain gene (brain derived neurotrophic factor) is activated, which helps to create more neurons and neuroconnections. In this case, use it or lose it applies to both body and brain. Exercise makes you smarter.

Pillar 4: Sleep.

Many recent studies have shown how much sleep has on our brain. Many have known this intuitively for eons. Optimal fitness cannot be had when there is a lack of sleep. It affects the mindset (Pillar 1). And this creates a "slippery slope" in fitness. Motivation wanes from wanting to workout. Cravings for simple carbs will increase. And from reading the other pillars, you know what will happen when those are not fully engaged. Get between 7-9 hours of sleep per day. If you sleep less at night, add a catnap during the day.

Each pillar I described has an effect on the others. The whole premise of the 'The Four Pillars of Fitness' is about systems thinking regarding fitness. Each pillar supports the others and all support the body and brain. For optimal fitness, make sure that each pillar is at its best. Get help if you need the support as well as making sure that you are consistently working towards optimal fitness.

I wish you success as you reach your goals in fitness and in life.

Living an optimal life requires a life that is healthy and fit. Knowing what you need to do in order for that to happen is important. And taking action towards getting healthy and fit is the most important key. Finding the right knowledge and experts in their fields can go a long way to accomplishing that. That's as long as you take action on what you learn. People who are successful are always action-oriented. They will simply put into the action the right knowledge for them. That includes getting healthy and fit. Once you are there, then will you start to truly live a life that is optimal. For more information and to subscribe to the newsletter, go to

Bob Choat is America's #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert, author of 'Mind Your Own Fitness' and co-owner of Optimal Life Seminars with Dr. Lori Shemek, Ph.D. You can find him at

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How To Select A Fitness Training Center

When it comes to selecting a fitness center, these tips will help you to figure out which fitness studio will fit your needs. Though, all of the options mentioned below may not work out well for you, the key point is to make sure you acutally use your gym membership to the fitness gym. Spend some time evaluating your options so that you can make a wise decision!

Location, Location, Location... 

Think about where the fitness center is located. How long will it take you to get there? Finding one that is close to home or close to work is a good option because you don't want to spend 30 minutes commuting each way to get there. Time is one of the things that most of us just don't have enough of, and one of the main reasons people do not stick to a fitness program.

Hours of Operation

Look for a fitness gym that has very good hours. In some of the larger cities, they have 24 hour centers. If you need to workout at night or have irregular hours then this could be ideal for you. Perhaps you go to work very early in the morning and need to be able to work out at 5 am. The more flexible the hours are for the facility, the easier it is to make sure you can fit it into your schedule.

Membership Cost

It is no secret that the economy has affected some families, yet many people are cutting out extras to make ends meet. However, you don't want to cut out your membership to a fitness center. This is the place that provides you the necessary motivation to reach your fitness goals, to keep your body working like it needs to, and also to reduce stress and clear your mind.

Look for special offers to make the fitness gym more affordable. For example, can you get the first month free? Can you get a discount due to where you work? If you pay for a full year, up front, it may be cheaper than paying month to month. Consider your options in order to make your gym membership work for you.

Fitness Programs

It is a good idea to schedule a time to tour the fitness gym before you join. Find out type of fitness programs do they offer. Do they have lots of equipment and is it in good working condition? Do they have personal trainers to work with you and show you how to properly use the fitness equipment? Do you feel comfortable there with the way everything is set up? Ask about a pass for a free week to try it and see what you think before you pay for any membership. Most of the fitness center locations do this.

Finding a fitness gym that delivers on what you need is important. It needs to be convenient to get to, have great hours, and be within your budget. It also needs to offer you access to a wide variety of equipment so that you don't get bored with your exercise routine. There may be additional benefits you need too. For example, some fitness center locations offer childcare so you can still get a great workout when you have children to take care of.

Coach Javier Lozano Jr is the owner and head fitness instructor at Summit Fit Dojo, the leading personal training fitness studio in Westminster, CO. He has been in the martial arts and fitness industry for over 23 years, helping his clients achieve their fitness goals through exercise and nutritional coaching. To learn more about Summit Fit Dojo, visit them at:

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Excellent Tips To Attain Complete Fitness

Are you struggling to attain complete fitness for a long time? Are you exercising for months without achieving significant results? If you are finding real information to get fit then you have landed at the right place.

Following are some simple yet effective fitness tips that you can implement in your daily life quite easily!
  • The very first tip is to cut significant amount of sugar intake from your daily routine. Chocolates, candies and many other similar products contain poor quality of sugar, so seriously avoid it. Instead consume foods or fruits with good sugar such as apple, banana, pineapple, strawberry, blackberry etc. 
  • Move your body by either walking or light jogging. The key is to keep moving to improve the metabolism. Once the metabolism gets fixed, it will become lot easier to attain a fit body.
  • Mix honey, lemon and some hot water and consume every day before going to sleep. After few days, you will be surprised to see a significant loss in your body weight. Lemon is actually one of the best natural resources available to us that can cure many diseases, even cancerous diseases as well!
  • Include strength training exercises in your daily routine. Crunches and planks are one of the best exercises to develop your upper and lower abdominal muscles which in turns make you lean.
  • Do cardio exercises such as cycling, walking and running at treadmill and twisting exercise. Twisting exercises helps in shedding belly fat which turns make you look really fit.
  • Pay special heed on the serving sizes as 4 ounces of dinner meal is enough to prevent weight accumulation. Make sure to read the nutrition label before buying food products.
  • Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. In fact, many green leafy vegetables help in flushing out the toxins from your body and give you a refreshing feeling.
  • Try holistic fitness techniques such as meditation, breathing, yoga etc.
  • Understand your body composition such as body fat, muscles, BMI etc in order to set goals to achieve fitness.
  • You must know the difference between good and bad carbohydrates as many foods have high Glycemic carbohydrates which are not good. Include high fiber rich foods and balanced proteins in your daily life.
  • Gather the best recipes for both weight gain and weight loss to stay fit according to your body composition.
It's all depends upon the health of your metabolism as if it is not good, everything will go against you. So, fix your metabolism and the above fitness tips will help you in that too. Above all, you will get a fit body if you can follow even few of these tips in your routine.
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What Should A Fitness Trainer Do For You?

If we are not fit, we may experience a lot of medical complications like cardiovascular problems, body pains, irregular metabolism, obesity and more. It is very important for us to be perfectly fit in order for us to perform our tasks properly. To achieve perfect fitness, it would be best for us to enroll in a fitness program. To make sure that we are doing our fitness program the right way, it would be a good idea to hire a fitness trainer to help us. But how do we know if he is the right fitness trainer for us? How do we know if we are not wasting our money on him?

Fitness is quite a broad term. It could mean a good health condition which we can achieve through proper nutrition diet and exercise. With this in mind, a trainer then should not just help us with our fitness exercises but with everything we need to improve our health condition.

A trainer's job starts from doing our fitness assessment. He should assess our condition and base their fitness exercises prescription on his assessment. A trainer should also be able to provide us with feedback or counseling that would be helpful for us to attain a good health condition. After doing our assessment and prescribing us with the right fitness exercises, a fitness trainer should also help us in executing the fitness exercises properly.

In helping us execute the prescribed fitness exercises, a fitness trainer should also keep a close monitoring on our development. He should make sure that our metabolism and physical performance are improved. He should also make sure that physical improvements are noticed.

A fitness trainer should provide us with a good motivation so that we are able to continue with our fitness program and achieve positive results. It is also a fitness trainer's job to help us closely monitor our fitness diet. He should make sure that we do not just work out physically but also work on our food intake so that our efforts of doing fitness exercises are not in any way disregarded.

Although trainers are not medical practitioners, they are also trained to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation, emergency lifting, first aid and other emergency medical procedures to make sure that we are safe if in case anything goes wrong while we are on out fitness training program.

A fitness trainer may help us in improving our health condition. If we have been injured or sick, a fitness trainer may also coordinate with our physician and physical therapist to help us in our recovery. This is because fitness exercises are known to contribute a lot in making recoveries faster.

A fitness trainer may also help us in conditioning our body in preparation for a big physical activity like an Olympic game and the like. He may also help us in improving our body figure and he may also help us in regulating the functions of our internal organs.

A fitness trainer is far more than just a gym buddy. He is someone we trust our health condition with. He can do a lot more for us than just helping us execute exercises.

Mobile Workout are The Leading Fitness Trainers for Home, Office and Studio. Our services include Houston Personal Trainer, Nutritional Consulting, Senior Fitness Programs and more.
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