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3 Keys to Fitness

The good news is that every single person goes through it. Even after 15 years of dedication and passion for fitness and the lifestyle, after a week of vacation, I need to motivate myself to get back at it.

Do you ever notice that after you have the initial surge of motivation and you finally make it into the gym, or take on some form of exercise, that after a few weeks the motivation seems to fade? While the motivation fades, the cravings for some food you really want or maybe that night out that you haven't had in weeks seems to be more and more on your mind?

Let's look at some ways that we can hit that mental hump and climb right over it.
1) Remember why you're doing it.

When things seem to be coming along really well, and you hit that mental wall, remember your 'why'. We all have a reason to get up in the morning, to go to work, to go to school. I have had my own reasons for competing in drug free bodybuilding. One of my most important effective methods of staying motivated is to remind myself daily why I'm doing it. Why I have taken on this challenge. By remembering daily why it is what you are doing you will keep the motivation fresh in your mind. Maybe it's for a vacation, and you want to look good without a giant sweater on, look at some old pictures. Maybe its because you are no longer happy with your body, and you have made the decision to make a change, in that case remember what it is that you want to change, and why you got started in the first place. It seems simple, but when used, the simple act of focusing on your 'why' is the most important tool in your arsenal. Find your why.
2) Mentally recognize the hump is coming.

Another strategy is to keep that mental hill in your mind. Know that you have hit it before, and you know what it looks like. See that gives you an edge. That's a different way of looking at it isn't it? Now you have experience with this wall, and you know what it feels like to be "bogged down". But unlike those other times, this time you will sail right over it. Know for a certainty that when you reach a point when your motivation seems to be lacking, (you will remember this stage) remind yourself that this is the time you will move forward. Just by allowing your mind to visualize that process, you will build pathways and the mental strength to smash past it, and the next one, and the next one after that. The process is somewhat like a train starting on a hill. When the engines fire, they will groan and have to work to clear that first hill. Once the train does though, it picks up speed and the next hill is easier, and again. After a few times, the train is now a force to be reckoned with if it needs to be stopped. Approach the mental hump in the same way. Be a freight train.

3) Look for motivation daily.

I heard a quote once from Zig Ziglar "Motivation doesn't last. Well neither does bathing, that's why it's recommended it daily". I think this is pure genius. Every day I focus on motivational things. Now that's not to say that I wake up and say "it's a great day, im happy happy happy, the world is sunshine and roses". But what I do is, is make a habit of noticing things daily, even several times a day, which will redirect my energy into something positive. So it can be in the form of quotes, videos, books or maybe just a great conversation.
Once you have been able to recognize the mental hump, deal with it and move on, you will see that the road gets much, much easier. Along the way you will develop ideas, goals, and strategies that you can apply not only to fitness and your health, but to all areas of your life.

See this is the key; to be able to make a decision, move forward, realize the challenges, and move on. By harnessing these abilities you will be able to make major improvements in all areas of your life. When you look back, you will realize that you have gotten in great shape along the way from what seems like a byproduct of success in life.

Be sure to check out the video series "The Ethos Shift" on YouTube for more tips on being happy and successful.

Live big, dream bigger.

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