Fitness and Recovery: How to Recover More Efficiently

The recovery process is a key factor in every athlete, fitness enthusiast and amateur and it cannot be overlooked if we wish to increase performance, preserve the body and avoid serious injury.
It involves returning to a normal physiological state, re establishing the energy levels, nutrients and liquids for reduced soreness and eradication of psychological symptoms.

In order to achieve a better recovery process there must be a certain level awareness on the basic principles ruling it and the best way to apply each of the following advices.

Here a 6 key elements that must be taken into consideration for a proper recovery.

1- Gradually reduce intensity for 10 to 20 minutes in order to speed removal of lactic acid from the muscle and the blood.

2- A high fast absorbing carb diet such as dextrose, sacarose or maltodextrin within the first 24 hours following an intense and long work out will bring muscle glycogen back to its optimum levels. For optimum results these must start being taken on liquid form within 15 minutes of finishing the work out.

3- The amino acids brought in by the consumption of protein will stimulate better results on the muscle building and repair process.

4- Water only does not replace all the electrolytes lost by the body during exercise besides from being quickly filtered through the kidneys. For this particular reason, the ingested liquid should be accompanied by an electrolyte mix to replenish levels of sodium and potassium.

5- Along with sweat the body loses fluid which must be replaced. Such bodily fluids are needed to maintain the blood volume required to transport nutrients to the muscles.

6- A good quality rest, a deep repairing sleep are key for a good recovery after a grueling work out. The opposite can affect performance, causing fatigue and weakness on the following sessions.

It is also recommended to follow an anti oxidant rich diet made of vegetables, dairies and eggs. Avoid all processed food an opt for fresh and raw aliments instead besides from reducing or eliminating the consumption of tobacco and alcohol.

If possible incorporate multivitamins containing both B and E complex and supplement your diet with amino acid supplements such as leucine, taurine and specially glutamine besides from using powder protein to prevent muscle and volume loss.

The muscles are composed of about 70% of water reason why preventing excessive dehydration is also a fundamental part of protecting the muscle for an enhanced recovery.

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5 Ways To Exercise At Home If You Want To Avoid The Gym

If you don't want to go to the gym as part of your keep fit and weight loss program there are effective ways to exercise at home. A lot of people just don't like the idea going to gym and would rather do exercises at home or outside in the fresh air. Also, it can take up a lot of time going to the gym on a frequent basis and cost a fair amount of money.

Here are a five ways to exercise at home, plus ideas and tips on how to give your home workout program a great start!

1. No equipment? No Worries.

The most obvious kind of exercises at home and away from the gym which require no equipment are walking and jogging. However, there are a variety of other exercises that are effective where you use nothing but your body. Press-ups and sit-ups are classic examples. Pull-ups, squats and leg lunges are others. Using exercises like these it's possible to cover nearly every muscle in your body.

2. Get On Your Bike!

It is very easy to keep fit and shed excess pounds if you go out cycling on your bike. If you normally use an exercise bike at the gym then this is an obvious alternative. It can be much more enjoyable too as you can set your own route, be out in the fresh air and see what you want to see as you get your exercise. You can also set yourself different routes depending on how much time you have and to keep things interesting.
3. Bench and Weights.

You can buy a bench and weights for your exercises at home if you've got a bit of spare cash. You can normally buy these for a pretty reasonable price and probably for more or less the same price as one month's gym membership. With this equipment you can do practically all of the exercises that your gym weights machines do, without paying any more than it cost to buy them. In addition to that, you can use them any time you want and not just when the gym is open.

4. Try Yoga.

One of the cheapest ways to exercise at home is yoga. Although yoga isn't for everyone, it's incredibly popular and is a great way to stay healthy when taken seriously. To do yoga you really need nothing more than your body, but you might want to get a yoga mat too. That's all you'll need to start doing your own home yoga program. If you're not already familiar with yoga practice, then you can pick up some great yoga instruction online for next to nothing.

5.Make Use Og Household Items.

There are various ways to exercise at home with makeshift apparatus instead of the 'actual' thing. For instance, you don't actually need dumbbells to do resistance training. All you need are heavy materials that are you can lift. For light aerobic exercising you can use food tins like baked beans. For more heavy weights, try using big bottles of mineral water. Both are every bit as good as real weights but cost nothing and are around and about your home.

When you've got music or a TV readily available when you are doing exercises at home, it's your choice what to watch or listen to as you exercise. You can catch up on some of your favourite TV programs that you have recorded. It's things like this that will help you to say motivated and keep-up with your fitness without feeling guilty that you have not gone to the gym.

Do you want to learn more ways to lose weight and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Get more nutritional information, the best exercise programs, fitness motivation and a FREE ebook with over 100 tips for losing belly fat here.
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Fitness Motivation 101

As a fitness professional I have witnessed plenty of people start an exercise program only to come up with a reason (or excuse) to quit altogether after a couple of months. The main reasons for this change of heart is usually due to a lack of direction (i.e. specific goals) and/or unrealistic expectations. I believe that passing things off by saying I'm just lazy is never true. Most people who go to the gym want to "get into better shape". While seemingly noble, these four words are totally useless to you if you really want to change for the better. There are always deeper reasons, whether conscious or sub-conscious. Of course, the media is the worst offender when it comes to promoting unrealistic expectations. Most people have an instinctive urge to want to look like they did at the age of 19 or 25. This is a recipe for disaster.

Vanity is a great motivator

A lot of doctors and personal trainers will tell you that you should only focus on the health benefits of exercise, but we are vain creatures. We want to impress the opposite sex and most importantly we want to please our own eyes when we look in the mirror. The great news is that once you acquire the great feelings you get from exercise (during and after) they will motivate you as well. The other benefits don't hurt, such as

- More energy

- Better sleep

- Willingness to make better food choices

- Fitting into your clothes beautifully

- Toned arms

- A lifted butt

- Better sex

- Improved memory

- A happier disposition

What You Should Do

Part of moving forward with a positive lifestyle change is letting go of what used to be and focusing on what is possible for your future. How do you want to feel in 6 months? What do you want to look like in 2 years? If you really contemplate these questions, you set yourself up for success that will surely surprise even your most optimistic nature. A helpful analogy of fitness goals is the comparison to working towards a promotion. You first need to learn the job description (learn the rules of the game), then prove you can not only perform the duties, but that you can become that position in your company. This is called faking it until you become it. You need to start to see yourself in a totally different light. Of course, proper guidance speeds up the process tremendously.

Patrick Williams is owner of Fuel RX Fitness in Sherman Oaks, California. He is a Personal Trainer and fat loss expert and his group training programs have helped hundreds of people lose weight, feel better, and get swimsuit ready. Check out to download your free fat loss report titled "weight loss secrets revealed".

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Difficulties in Losing Weight and Keeping Fit While Working in an Office

Sitting all day at work is common for most Americans. Count in the commute time and any leisure time at home and it would not be unusual to have 13 hours in sitting down time.

The Sax Institute in Australia recently found that for every 11 hours a day a person sits while at work they have a 40% higher risk of dying within three years than people who sat 4 hours a day. Heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers can be linked to a sedentary lifestyle. Known as the "sitting disease" the condition shows prolonged sitting affects the body both physiologically and metabolically. Not only does it affect the body in that way but it also predisposes a person to neck and back pain due to atrophy or underdevelopment of the core abdominal and gluteal muscles.

A good rule of thumb is to get out of your chair at least once an hour. You could ask a colleague a question, go to the water cooler, take the stairs or take a bathroom break. Other office helpers are standing desks, stability chairs as well as the more often seen ball chairs. Ball chairs provide just enough stability, due to its being heavier on the bottom, to force your legs and arms to engage so there is no wobbling while you sit.
There are some easy exercises that can be done at your desk and some while using a ball chair:

The squeeze

- In this exercise you'll actively squeeze and contract all your muscles in turn. Start with your feet set about a foot apart and work your way from toes to head squeezing and contracting each muscle group. Hold each muscle contracted and see how long you can hold them that way.

Hip rotations

- Without moving your shoulders, neck or head sit on the ball and rotate the ball in a circular fashion with butt and hips. Then move them in the opposite direction. You should be able to feel all your lower body and back muscles working. Do each way 5-10 times for 3 sets.


- While holding your arm out grasp the ball and squeeze. The ball weighs 4-5 lbs so you should be able to feel your arms and chest engage. While squeezing keep your core tight and squat down. While keeping your knees wide and butt back keep your arms straight out. Squeeze your butt and stand up. Do this 5-10 times for 3 sets.

Leg extensions

- While sitting, plant feet firmly about a foot apart and move one leg to the center and lift straight out. Hold your leg up for a few seconds. Repeat this and do the same for the opposite leg. This gets the quads moving and engages the core for stability.

For many people time is a short commodity. Taking small snippets of time here and there to do the exercises, go for a walk during lunch or taking small breaks every hour helps in a cumulative effect and will make a difference in your health and make you feel good!
Tammie Cappuccio has been writing article for over 25 years. She has had over two dozen articles published on varying subjects worldwide.

Visit her website/blog at:

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3 Keys to Fitness

The good news is that every single person goes through it. Even after 15 years of dedication and passion for fitness and the lifestyle, after a week of vacation, I need to motivate myself to get back at it.

Do you ever notice that after you have the initial surge of motivation and you finally make it into the gym, or take on some form of exercise, that after a few weeks the motivation seems to fade? While the motivation fades, the cravings for some food you really want or maybe that night out that you haven't had in weeks seems to be more and more on your mind?

Let's look at some ways that we can hit that mental hump and climb right over it.
1) Remember why you're doing it.

When things seem to be coming along really well, and you hit that mental wall, remember your 'why'. We all have a reason to get up in the morning, to go to work, to go to school. I have had my own reasons for competing in drug free bodybuilding. One of my most important effective methods of staying motivated is to remind myself daily why I'm doing it. Why I have taken on this challenge. By remembering daily why it is what you are doing you will keep the motivation fresh in your mind. Maybe it's for a vacation, and you want to look good without a giant sweater on, look at some old pictures. Maybe its because you are no longer happy with your body, and you have made the decision to make a change, in that case remember what it is that you want to change, and why you got started in the first place. It seems simple, but when used, the simple act of focusing on your 'why' is the most important tool in your arsenal. Find your why.
2) Mentally recognize the hump is coming.

Another strategy is to keep that mental hill in your mind. Know that you have hit it before, and you know what it looks like. See that gives you an edge. That's a different way of looking at it isn't it? Now you have experience with this wall, and you know what it feels like to be "bogged down". But unlike those other times, this time you will sail right over it. Know for a certainty that when you reach a point when your motivation seems to be lacking, (you will remember this stage) remind yourself that this is the time you will move forward. Just by allowing your mind to visualize that process, you will build pathways and the mental strength to smash past it, and the next one, and the next one after that. The process is somewhat like a train starting on a hill. When the engines fire, they will groan and have to work to clear that first hill. Once the train does though, it picks up speed and the next hill is easier, and again. After a few times, the train is now a force to be reckoned with if it needs to be stopped. Approach the mental hump in the same way. Be a freight train.

3) Look for motivation daily.

I heard a quote once from Zig Ziglar "Motivation doesn't last. Well neither does bathing, that's why it's recommended it daily". I think this is pure genius. Every day I focus on motivational things. Now that's not to say that I wake up and say "it's a great day, im happy happy happy, the world is sunshine and roses". But what I do is, is make a habit of noticing things daily, even several times a day, which will redirect my energy into something positive. So it can be in the form of quotes, videos, books or maybe just a great conversation.
Once you have been able to recognize the mental hump, deal with it and move on, you will see that the road gets much, much easier. Along the way you will develop ideas, goals, and strategies that you can apply not only to fitness and your health, but to all areas of your life.

See this is the key; to be able to make a decision, move forward, realize the challenges, and move on. By harnessing these abilities you will be able to make major improvements in all areas of your life. When you look back, you will realize that you have gotten in great shape along the way from what seems like a byproduct of success in life.

Be sure to check out the video series "The Ethos Shift" on YouTube for more tips on being happy and successful.

Live big, dream bigger.

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How to Take Up Fitness

The first thing you need to know about fitness training is that you cannot do it alone at first. If you're a novice there is no way you will be able to perform sustained training without screwing it up. Most people want to look like models in no time. They are called season sportsmen, and what they do is waste away their money and time gaining nothing in return.

You need a trainer. It is a bit expensive, but think about it: you only need a trainer at first, for a month tops. because a professional will be able to train you on how to train. Your body is composed of many muscles and you need to have them all worked out separately in order to maintain symmetry and growth. For example, if you plan on lifting weights, the wrong size and the wrong lifting position will only contract your muscles. You may even spring a rupture while attempting to be healthier.

Also, always remember that your body will cheat on you. When you have to make 15 repetitions of the same exercise, after the eight it will become harder to perform in the correct position. And that's when your body will adjust itself in order to be able to reach the finish, only by adjusting itself it will switch the weight distribution and the muscles you were currently working on building up will loose the tension and other muscles will kick in. That's not good, because by releasing the muscle's tension it means they will no longer grow and the muscles that have just kicked in will only support a part of the exercise, but less than it is needed for them to develop.

So basically, working by yourself is a no win situation. Online training or videos won't help either, because you will think you do it correctly without a proper guide to follow your positions closely and adjust them as you slide away from them. Trust me, I know this from personal experience.

If you want to put on weight or lose weight, nutrition is the key. without it exercises are useless. You will need a certain level of protein and a certain level of calories. You cannot decide that by yourself and a nutritionist can't help you either, because they are trained to suggest the clinical optimum, not what you like to look like. By having complete measurements taken, a fitness trainer can help you out with whatever nutrition diet you need all the while corroborating it with your exercises to achieve the desired effect.

Oana is a member of - an online community where people can meet new people and stay connected to friends, families and share photos, updates, reviews and more.If you decide that it's time to do something about your body, take a moment and think about it, because it's not as simple as it looks. We all want to have a great body and keep in shape, but you can't do it on your own. This article can only be reproduced in its entirety when the link to is live at all times.

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Tips to Making It Through the Tough Days in Fitness

Tips to making it through the mentally tough days in fitness.

I have my days. Lots of people will say to me "I don't know how you do it". How do I eat what I do, how do I train when I am exhausted. How do I do it? Everyone has a place in their own mind that they can go to focus, and make it through tough times. Make no mistake about it, there are and always will be hard days.
But. The difference is how you handle it.

This is what I do. This is what I am. I have a passion for the iron. I'm addicted to the war I have waged on myself to improve, to show others that it is possible. If you want me to succeed, tell me I can't do it. The more you say it isn't realistic, the more determined in my mind I am to make it happen. Push me and I will push back twice as hard. You may do something different, you may be good at something different. You may be good at golf, you may be good at landscaping. This is what I am good at. Being a bodybuilder, being a champion of my mind.

The first thing to look at is recognizing that you need to focus on the task at hand, and not the negative thoughts that can enter your mind. You need to realize that the choice that you make in that moment will determine the outcome that you will achieve. Every action you take from there on in is going to shape and mold your victory.

So will you cancel your workout? Or will you push through and prove to even yourself that you can do it. Will you look at your inner voice and smile, knowing you will silence it?

You see the war isn't on the outside with people, haters, bosses etc. The war is on the inside, and that's right where you want it to be because you can call the plays, you can control the shift in momentum. Realizing that and using it to fight the battle is the key to achieving what is possible. Over the last fifteen years being a drug free bodybuilder I have had my share of days that I do not want to play anymore, I don't want to diet, I don't want to do my cardio, and I sure don't want to push that food away that smells like heaven. But once I have strung together a few of the bad days and I have come out on top, I see that its OK and it will always be OK.

Secondly, know that one of the keys is that whatever you can think of, can be achieved. While you are going through the thoughts in your mind day to day, keeping the goal in mind will allow you to keep going when you think it's not worth it. There are loads of times, even daily, that I will be thinking "why am I doing this?" it takes me some time to remember my why, and the reasons I started this journey. I challenge you to do the same. You will have bad days even with things that you are passionate about, but I encourage you to remember why you started.

I challenge you to look for the goal, look for the reason why when you are "in the trenches" in your mind. Do not forget the why. Whether it's family, work, or your own personal reason, use it.It becomes more and more increasingly important to keep your faith in your vision and goal, and not stray from it along the path no matter what kind of challenges you face.

"Progress is impossible without change. Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." - George Bernard Shaw

Check us out at for our affordable, flexible services.

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Why You Should Know How to Improve Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is something that many people think they know about but they don't or they just don't practice it. With the country getting more and more obese and not really doing anything about it, it starts to be a bit of a worry for most people and it's the reason why a lot of people need this and they need to ensure that their overall physical fitness health is good. There are a ton of reasons why, but in this article it's not meant to punish you but to be effective. Physical fitness is very important, and in this article you will learn why you should know how to improve physical fitness in a person in order to really make them feel great.

The first thing is that there are a ton of diseases linked to not having a healthy body and having poor physical fitness. One of the key ones here is heart disease. Now heart disease is the number one killer in the US, and it can even lead to strokes, brain damage from those strokes, paralysis, and even death. So it's not just the act of the heart attack that one should worry about, but the fact that there is actually more linked to it, such as the consequences of having one and not doing anything about it. How that is caused is by leading a sedentary life for so long and eating foods that raise your cholesterol and blood pressure.

If you eat right and exercise frequently, you'll certainly be at less risk for that because of the following things. One of them is the fact that many people don't realize that over time, plaque starts to build up on the walls there, and if you actually exercise and eat right the plaque wont' be there. Plus if you have good circulation you're at way less risk for a heart attack. A healthy heart is one of the main reasons why you should look to improve your physical fitness.

The second reason of why you should know how to improve physical fitness is the fact that diabetes can start to come about and that's not something you want to have. Diabetes is another disease caused by high levels of blood sugar and you have to measure yourself each and every day to ensure your blood sugar is not too high. Not only is that a pain to do, but it also limits life and you have to be careful. You can prevent that by not eating too much sugary food, ensuring you exercise, and if you want sugar eat some fruit. Fruit is a great source of that without it being too hard on the body. Knowing that is another reason you should know how to improve physical fitness.

Physical fitness is something that a person needs to know how to do in order to live better. It is crucial to do so, and a person should look for more information here at Encompass Nutrients.
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The Fitness Vice of Laziness

Laziness is a huge fitness vice for so many people. It takes work to be healthy and it's so much easier to be lazy. So how can you overcome the fitness vice of being lazy?

Set Goals

Set goals to reach the fitness level that you want to be at. Make long term goals with short term goals leading you to them. Don't make them too hard, you want them to achievable. But don't make them too easy either.

Make a New Habit

Being lazy is a habit. And habits are hard to break, but not impossible. The more you exercise, the easier it gets and starts becoming a habit. You can start slow adding a little more each week until you reach where you want to be. Eventually, you will feel like your body needs to exercise and eat healthy.

Quit Viewing Exercise & Diet Negatively

You might not want to stop being lazy to exercise or diet because you view it as a negative thing. You might think that it's not for you, but deep down every body wants to be healthy. Your body just feels so much better when it's healthy, and that makes you feel happier. So when you think of exercising or dieting, think positively. Start telling yourself that you want to exercise or diet, and it will help.

Ask for Help

Find a close friend or family member, or even a professional trainer, and ask them for help. Ask them to call you every day and ask if you were lazy or if you met your goals. Or ask them to be your gym buddy to make sure you get there. Or walking/running buddy to make sure you get out.

Reward Yourself

Give yourself some incentive. Do you want to go on a vacation? Or you've been eyeing the newest iPhone or new shoes. Just tell yourself that if you stick with your goals for 6 months then you get that reward. Or you can do smaller rewards monthly, just don't have it be a reward that will hinder your progress.

Just remember that you will be happier being healthier and less lazy. However, you don't have to give up laziness altogether. There are times when it's OK to be lazy, just don't let it be all the time. Don't let yourself be lazy until all of your work and goals have been met for the day.

To find out more about fitness vices or for advice on your health and fitness needs, go to

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The Fitness Vice of Good Food

Another common fitness vice is food. Do you love food? I know I do. It can be extremely difficult to resist eating that second helping of dessert. So what can you do to overcome this fitness vice? A lot of people believe that you have to give up all the good food completely in order to be healthy or to lose weight. I disagree. Moderation is the key to all things. You don't have to give up what you love, just cut back on how much of it that you eat.

Use a Smaller Plate

You might say that you'll just have to get seconds or thirds with a smaller plate, but it can really help you eat less if you have a smaller plate. Tell yourself you get one plate, no seconds!

Slow Down

Don't eat fast. Slow down, so your body has time to tell you that you're no longer hungry and you've had enough.

Pay Attention

Pay attention to your food and what you are eating. If you're watching t.v. or chatting while eating, then you're going to eat more. And you won't be enjoying the food, and if you're not enjoying it, then it's not fun to eat.

Stop Grazing

It's OK to have a couple of snacks a day, but stop doing the mindless grazing. Don't grab a cookie every time you walk through the kitchen. Or stop eating the candy sitting on your desk in the office. Think about your snacks and make a healthy choice.

Make it Less Fat

When cooking, it's very easy to make your favorite dish less fattening. Use plain yogurt instead of sour cream. Buy the ingredients that have less fat and I promise you won't hardly notice. And many restaurants are offering the healthier options that are still quite tasty.

Put Food Away

Put your food away so that you don't eat without thinking about it. If it's there and easily accessible then you will eat more without even realizing it. Put it away so that you are consciously making the choice to eat more.
You don't have to give up food to be healthy or to lose weight. You just need to be smart in your choices in how you eat and what you eat. You don't even have to stop eating all the fattening foods altogether, just limit how often you eat them, and eat less.

To find out more about fitness vices or to find advice on other health and fitness topics, go to

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Fitness Vice of Procrastination

Everybody has fitness vices. Things that hurt or hinder our progress of becoming fit and healthy are fitness vices. There are many different things that can fit in under a fitness vice, such as: time, eating too much, eating unhealthy, procrastination, illnesses, lack of motivation, not enough support, and so on. For this particular article I'm going to focus just on one of these fitness vices, which is procrastination. The first step is to recognize that you have this fitness vice. And then there are some things that you can work on to help you overcome it.

Are you a procrastinator? Do you wait until the last second to go to the gym? Or do you not go at all because you tell yourself that you will go tomorrow? Do you say that you will start next month on trying to lose weight? Procrastination is a big fitness vice. So what are some things that you can do to overcome it?

Plan it!

Put it in your schedule for tomorrow. Make sure you have enough time for it. And plan exactly what you are going to do. Are you going to go to the gym? Are you going to walk outside? Whatever it is, you need to plan beforehand so you know going into it exactly what you are going to do.

Do it First Thing

The earlier in the day that you workout the better, if you are a procrastinator. Because then you get it over with. If you wake up and workout then you don't have time to talk yourself out of it.

Be Positive!

Be excited to workout. If you are always talking about how you hate to workout then you're never going to want to do it, so you will procrastinate. Tell yourself that you want to do it. That it will make you feel better, not only physically, but mentally as well.

Get A Workout Buddy

Get a partner to workout with, one who is not a procrastinator. And schedule a time to go workout with them. That way you will have someone else to help motivate you to get out the door and do it.

Take That First Step

Taking the first step is the hardest. The more you do it, the easier it will become. So, if you can just force yourself to take that first step, it will get easier and easier to not procrastinate.
For more information on fitness vices go to

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Personal Fitness Trainer At A Budget

All by now, you have made up your mind that you want to keep fit and is ready to spend some of your precious savings. So, if you are really serious about it you have to spend within a range of $30-$150 for an hour of personal training. For many this is an amount that can discourage them of their goal. Do not be discouraged, doing some research you can find some way to decrease your expense efficiently.

There are few ways which can make the cost fit your budget by some compromise. Qualified personal trainers from renowned organizations are always the first choice, but they are quite expensive. Trainers at the edge of completing their course can be a good choice for you, as they are yet not certified they will have a comparably lower rate. You can get an idea talking to them and observing their works with others. When you are assured that this is the trainer you are looking for, personally talk to him for suitable training time. The off-peak hours like afternoon will be a good choice for offering lower rates. Although go for rates at a range, talking for a very low rate may create a frustrating situation for both of you. Keep to a rate which is a win-win situation for both. All time you do not need Master Trainer's; it may happen you will get astonished seeing an amateur trainer of great knowledge and quality.

Calling out one of your friends of the same fitness level to join, can be a good outcome. Sharing the expense will be a good choice for a tight budget. A friendly competition will also be useful for both. As a training period with your trainer costs a good amount, you can also ask for workouts that you can do for a long time. Don't hesitate to do this as they will be happy to guide you. Remember, as you are the very first customers of his training career he will do possibly everything for building a reputation and recommendation of yours to others about him.

During training period there are real chances of injury if you tryout an exercise which your body does not suit. Friendly-budget issues may then be replaced by extra cost of healing the injury. Above all the pains and prolonged time of rehab period can discourage your fitness training. So, keeping a personal trainer holding a Physical Therapy Degree is a good choice, as it is worth it. This is an additional measure you can take to reduce risks of injuries. Although, keeping a trainer with this two in one facility will cost a considerable amount, there are different range of rates for trainer you can find a perfect one that matches your range.

Once there was a time when the idea of money didn't exist and exchanging products between people were the only way. You can offer to do some work for him that you are knowledgeable about, like making a web-page for his Personal Training Program. This exchange method will help you reduce your training cost as well as help you to use a past gained knowledge for your benefit.

Well, if you want a good level of fitness you must have to increase up your equipment's and if possible get some classes from highly experienced trainers, the ones who want top class performance can do that. Although, this increases your cost a bit, you can make out ways so that you can bear the cost. Cutting out other useless cost for a month, can help you get a better training of them. Now, you know, quite well what are your useless expenses, obviously unique for everyone; you have to have the guts to sacrifice some luxury services you would avail otherwise, for your dreamed body fitness.

Get more advanced by reading books on fitness, so that you can get a sound knowledge of this particular field and help you utilize the full time with your trainer. As it will make you ask questions of a wise level. Free online and You Tube materials on fitness can also be of help.

End of all, you do not need big budget for your dreamed figure. It's all about your wit, timely practice and some good ideas to keep it within your budget will keep you fit.

Now get down to your tasks, as yet all are dream, success is to come after you accomplish it.

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Living a Fit, Healthier and More Fullfilling Life

We can define being healthy and fit as being in a state of physical, mental and social wellness and not just as the absence of illness. There has been arguments to further define health and fitness as continuous adjustment to changing living demands. This article will assist in a healthier and fit lifestyle which you will feel good about.
A healthy body will require you to eat a well-balanced diet and you must eat enough. This is way easier than it sounds when you have the right knowledge. Eating healthy is an opportunity to improve yourself not a sacrifice. You must learn to choose a healthy diet. Let me help you with a few tips.

When selecting the right carbohydrates, reduce simple carbohydrates like sugar and flour, they are quickly absorbed by the body and can cause an overload triggering huge amounts of insulin to combat the overload. Instead go for complex carbohydrates like whole grain flour and unprocessed grains, they are usually high in vitamins and other beneficial nutrients to the body. Aim to get almost a third of your daily calories from proteins, they will sustain you throughout the day. Eat lean meat, like fish or chicken. This is the best practice, and you will notice a less sluggish feeling during the day.

Your body needs fats to function properly and the right fats for that matter. Monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids are good and you should strive to consume them regularly. This can be found in olive oil, nuts and other seeds. Avoid trans-fat and saturated fats they raise risk of heart disease. They are commonly found in processed foods, stay away from them. Drinking a lot of water will improve your health.

To achieve physical fitness, you need to do a regular physical activity and practice proper nutrition in order to attain flexibility, cardio-respiratory endurance and strength. Strength can be achieved by progressively working out. Increase your training intensity after every short while like a month. Push your body harder, train for longer, carry heavier weights. Whatever you base your exercises on, improve it. You need to grow, building new muscle mass on top of existing.

With whatever routine you choose have goals, adhere to them and strive to achieve them. Nutrition, health and fitness is not any different. Consistency, patience and progress is the main aspects you need. Now that you know, have an eating plan, maximize your training and surely you will notice the enhancement to your health.

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10 Habits That May Be Sabotaging Your Fitness Goals

1. Your Nutrition

Real food doesn't come in a box, have a shelf life, or have a long list of ingredients you can't pronounce. If you are on a diet that is mainly sourced from pre-packaged foods then you need to change your eating habits.

Consistently dieting and not fueling properly can sabotage your weight loss progression. Start eating the right foods in the right amounts and you'll realize the best way past a sluggish metabolism is to ignite it with clean, healthy and close to nature foods. Start thinking of food as your fuel and be sure to feed your engine well.

2. You Aren't Pushing Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Do you find that you are spending more time chatting then you are working out? Do you ease through a workout without even breaking a sweat or feeling a good muscle fatigue? If so, then you probably aren't getting the results you want. The only way to get more athletic and keep the body you want involves doing things you may not necessarily love. I always tell a client "If you don't love training a specific muscle group then it is a sign that you need to be training it!". Step out of your comfort zone and push your self with each rep, set and workout, it will deliver the best results with increased muscle definition and more calories burned!

3. You're Not Lifting Weights Or You're Not Lifting Heavy Enough

The famous words I hear most often are; "I don't want to bulk up". First off, no one accidentally bulks up. Bulking up and adding muscle tissue takes precise training and nutrition. Just because you progress from a five-pound dumbbell to a ten-pound dumbbell, does not mean that you will bulk up and turn into the hulk over night. Increasing your muscle mass will in fact increase your metabolism which will therefore increase your overall fat burning. You can keep doing the same cardio routine and get the same results, or you can lift heavier weights, put on a couple of pounds of lean muscle tissue, and start burning more calories at rest and continue to get leaner.

4. You Don't Hydrate Properly

Nothing leads to exhaustion more quickly than not fueling properly with clean foods and water. 75% of your muscle tissue and 10% of your fat tissue is comprised of water, so it's important to replenish it frequently. When you factor in variables such as intensity of exercise and temperature, your body requires water every ten to twenty minutes during exercise. Always carry water with you and drink up!

5. You Drink Too Much Alcohol

If you're dissatisfied with your fitness level or your body, you have two choices; either continue to drink wine every day or have the body you desire- but not both! Alcohol contains empty calories, meaning it's a simple sugar and is metabolized in the body as fat. That right, it is almost immediately stored as body fat! Alcohol can also interfere with your recovery as well as your exercise performance. Limit alcohol to your cheat day or weekends.

6. You Wear Worn Out or Incorrect Footwear

One of the first things I address when working with a new client is their footwear, especially if they are complaining of any joint pain from impact related exercises such as running and plyometrics. If you're going to invest in a gym membership, a personal trainer, you should also invest in proper footwear. I recommend changing your footwear every 6 months to ensure support and comfort. As well, be sure to go to a specialized store where you can be properly fitted for your body and specific exercise demand. Do your feet pronate or supinate? Do you have a short running stride? Do you even know? When you start wearing the right shoes for the right activities you will maximize your results and save yourself from discomfort and potential injury.

7. You Don't Rest, Maintain or Recover From a Workout

If you exercise a lot and don't prepare your body properly with rest and recovery then you are potentially setting yourself up for setbacks. Rest and maintenance are crucial for injury prevention and optimal results. Stretching, myofascial release, proper nutrition, supplementation and rest will help with recovery and repair of the muscle tissue. If you aren't getting the results you desire, look to what you're doing when you are not exercising to maintain and recover your body.

8. You're Only Active Three Days per Week

As much as I am a firm believer in adequate rest and believe you should not repeat the same exercise patterns daily, but truth be told the human body is meant to move! I recommend to all my clients that You should be doing something physically active every day, whether it's traditional exercise or simply "Active" rest. For overall general health, the American Heart Association recommends a minimum of five days a week of at least thirty minutes of moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise with an additional two days a week of muscle strengthening activity. This can be broken up over the week for a total of 7 days!

9. You Do the Same Routine Everyday

Repeating the same exercises and workouts will not get you the results that you are looking for. Have you ever noticed people in the gym who repeat the same workout always look the same? Their body rarely changes or progresses. Our bodies are incredible machines, which can acclimate to whatever we throw at them. I always tell my clients to step outside of their comfort zone and challenge themselves to a new exercise or program for best results. We always grow through change - both physically and mentally.

10. You Set Unrealistic Goals

Many of us are guilty of holding ourselves to high, unrealistic expectations. We desire to look like a model in a magazine when many of the models are either seasoned athletes and/or fitness models or have been airbrushed to create a certain look. Set realistic short and long-term goals and assess on a monthly, weekly and daily basis to ensure you are on track with your progression or lack of. Identify your unique shape and make improvements where you feel you will benefit from naturally.

Karen Gallagher is a leading fitness professional with an elite athletic background combined with over 18 years of knowledge and experience. Along with fitness competitions, Karen's main focus these days are her businesses Fit 4 Her personal training, Butt Slayer Boot Camps and Performance Coaching. She supports her clients with motivation, goal setting and nutritional programs to best suit their needs and goals and has helped hundreds of people to experience profound life transformations. Learn more at

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What Is Fitness and the Components of Fitness

Doing exercise for fitness is not merely a notion of today's modern marketers though you could be forgiven for thinking so with all the air play it gets these days.

In fact, it has its roots firmly entrenched in the antiquity; in the words of Aristotle he defined a thing as being fit if "it suited its purpose well". According to this definition, our body is fit when it serves its purpose well. This means our heart, lungs, eyes, muscles, brain and all other organs which fulfill various bodily functions need to receive our full attention to stay fit and healthy for the duration of our lives.

One of the secrets and benefits of physical fitness is intense workout activity; this forces the heart to pump the blood faster, thus increasing the oxygen percentage at cellular level and removing waste that accumulates as a result of natural processes that occur in the body.

A moderate level of exercise for fitness will contribute to an increase of the HDL, which is the "good" cholesterol. The role of HDL or High Density Lipoprotein is to regulate blood sugar levels and to help converting the fat into energy, thus being an important aid in weight loss programs.

Developing and sticking to a regular fitness program comes with other added benefits.

You'll get an increased muscle mass, better looking legs, buttocks and abs and an overall healthier appearance. Your skin will look healthier and smoother and your balance will improve. Your new found fitness will also have you looking much younger than your real age so another of the benefits of physical fitness is anti-aging.

So as you can see all of these factors will contribute to a new found feeling of well-being as well as increased self-esteem.

Depending on your short term goals, you can alternate your fitness routines in such a way that you help some systems in your body more than others. For instance, if you feel your cardiovascular system needs some strengthening, you can go for aerobic routines that will help you accomplish your goal.

If you want to improve your balance, then you need to perform a series of special routines mostly encountered in yoga and Pilates. And to add some muscle do resistance exercises with weights.

One thing you should know: whatever type of fitness exercises you decide to do, your whole body is going to benefit. The body works as a total unit; it is a highly sophisticated integrated system in which all the different parts have their roles but each of them also influences others.

This is why fitness routines performed at least three times a week in sessions of at least 30 minutes can improve our cognitive functions. The brain is stimulated by the increased blood flow and by the oxygen that comes to feed the cells at a higher rate. Hormone secretion is also stimulated by sustained activity; therefore the risk of developing depression is significantly lowered.

If you are really committed to reinventing yourself and building a healthier and more glowing you, there's no need to start at full pace. Just ease yourself into it until your body gets used to the new changes that are taking place and then each month just increase your levels of intensity.

A simple brisk 30 minute walk every morning is a great place to start. Follow this up with a gradual increase in activity by maybe going to aerobics classes or joining a gym and doing some resistance training.

Just do what your level of fitness permits then gradually increase the level as you become fitter. Within two to three months you will be surprised how much better you feel and look. It is well worth the effort of getting started and reaping some of the many physical benefits of exercise.

Baby boomer and author John Falkinder is the Founder of SteamTrainFitness and specializes in Active Ageing and life-long fitness. Find out more about anti-aging and the benefits of doing some simple regular exercises and how it will add amazing life to your years:

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Staying Motivated to Live Healthy

We all know that living healthy is what we should do, but, for most of us, it is just so hard to make it a long-term, lifestyle. So how do we do it? Why does it seem so easy for some people, while the great majority of Americans, just can't seem to either get on-board or stay on-board with a way of living that benefits everyone?

First we need to look at what it means to be 'healthy.' It doesn't mean being skinny. It doesn't mean participating in the endless food fads, popular diets, newest workouts, or any other fleeting thing. It does mean making good decisions when it comes to eating, physical activity, and even things like going to the doctor or dentist. Being healthy can mean feeling good. Having energy. Not being sick! It is also a matter of caring for yourself, and your family, in a way that allows you to participate in life without suffering the ramifications of 'bad' health decisions that you make or made. Being healthy is both long term and short-term actions. Being healthy benefits the individual and the whole community.

People who are healthy are, in general, happier. It is a great burden to deal with the effects of things like illness, obesity, even being tired all the time. Community groups that consist of mostly healthy individuals are happier and able to focus their resources (time, money, problem solving, creativity) on things other than trying to care for the members of the group who are unhealthy. According to, a function of the National League of Cities, which exists to help build healthier communities in the United States, "The estimated annual health care costs of obesity-related illness are a staggering $190.2 billion or nearly 21% of annual medical spending in the United States. Childhood obesity alone is responsible for $14 billion in direct medical costs." Just think what we as a country could do with all that money!!

That should motivate our whole country to action!! We all know the facts, so its going to take more than that to motivate us to live consistently healthy lives. Considering the implications our own unhealthiness has on others should, however, help us move toward the goal of healthy living.

Knowing that the facts aren't enough to keep us motivated, what is ENOUGH? The first step in getting and staying motivated has to be a realization that something does need to change. But where do you need to make changes. Identify where and why you need to be healthy. Do you need to lose weight, eat healthier, exercise more, get your teeth cleaned or get your annual checkup done? After you have identified where the changes need to be made, you need to decide what your goals are. In order to stay motivated realistic goals need to be set. Don't set yourself up for failure, it is impossible to stay motivated in the face of impossible tasks and constant failure. If you want to lose weight, determine how much and how long it will take you to reach a healthy weight. For most people losing three pounds a week is a realistic and healthy goal. Wanting to look like a Victoria Secret model or Captain America is not very realistic. Expectations that are too lofty often lead people to lose motivation more quickly. If you want to start eating healthier you'll have to work new healthy habits into shopping, cooking, and dining out. It is probably less attainable to decide one day that you are only going to eat vegan, organic foods. Set realistic goals!!

Another key to motivation is finding people to support you. There are people everywhere who are trying to live healthier. Find them and walk with them on your journey, you will motivate each other! Remember, though, that your life and how you get healthy are not the same as anyone else's, so don't compare your life to theirs! Using someone else as your benchmark for success is not going to give you sustained motivation.
Many people who are successful at living healthy use visual aides to keep them motivated. Hang the jeans you want to fit into on the outside of your closet, where you can always see them. Use a dry erase marker to right motivational phrases or your goals on your bathroom mirror. On your kitchen cabinets post your goal weight, or reminders of how you want to feel, to help guide how you eat.

Above all BE POSITIVE. Focus on what you have achieved, not matter how small it seems. Remember how you felt eating unhealthy food, and how you have a little more energy now. Tell yourself that you are worth the effort, and your family needs you to keep living healthy. Think of the things that living healthy will allow you to do. You can be more active, live more life, live a longer life, spend your future time and money on fun stuff! And, it may seem cheesy, but talk to yourself. If you ever watch highly successful athletes, you can see them getting themselves ready for the competition. They tell themselves they can do it, and beat their chests. Yell, cheer, jump around. This is a fight worth fighting, get excited and stay MOTIVATED!!

Mark Thornton is a writer/blogger for Catalyst Coaching Institute (CCI). The premier provider of comprehensive Wellness Coach Certification and Training. CCI also provides educational and operational tools and resources for Health Coach Certification around the globe.

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How To Get Correct Fitness Tips

If you browse the internet, you will find pages-after-pages of information on fitness tips. Many-a-times, the tips offered are not only confusing but also contradictory and you wonder whether to follow them or not. It is also observed that in some cases the tips offered do not have any professional backing. Naturally, if you follow such tips, you may not get the desired results. Generally, most of these agencies offer tips which consist of diet, exercises and sleep habits. But in this complex society, fitness tips must be broken down to meet individual needs like for example to get rid of exhaustion, stress, fatigue, obesity and so on. Therefore, in such cases, you must find an agency or a person who can offer you guidance to meet your specific needs.

Qualified and Experienced Experts

Using the advice of qualified and experienced experts is the only manner in which you can get fitness tips tailored to individual needs. You will be able to find numerous experts and agencies online or in your locality. These agencies offer customized solutions. Normally, before suggesting any tips, these agencies request you to provide personal details like general health, body proportions, your profession, lifestyle and such other relevant information. Experts appointed by these agencies will carefully go through the information provided by you and will prescribe the necessary treatments accordingly. Whenever necessary, experts will hold personal discussions with their client and only then will they prescribe the necessary treatment. Treatments consist of changes in the food habits including regulating the calories, exercises, and if necessary suggestions are also offered on sleep habits. Wherever necessary, the experts may also suggest you to undergo Yoga and meditation therapies. They also provide necessary tips for chronic ailments like diabetes and blood pressure. In short, you get personalized treatments for all kinds of ailments including your general health.

Periodical Review Is Crucial

The experts appointed by such consulting agencies are adequately qualified and highly experienced. The information provided by you is kept confidential. Before commencing the treatment, the experts will set a goal. They keep a track on your progress and for this purpose the agencies will make a periodical review of the effects of the treatments suggested to you. The agency will call you and get the feedback and based on the feedback they would review the line of treatment suggested for you. At the same time, wherever necessary, you can also call the experts and they would be willing to provide you the necessary guidance. Naturally, this will have a greater impact and within a short span of time, it helps you to reap the benefits of treatments suggested by the experts.

Affordable Service Charges

The service charges for the treatment and the advice provided is considerably low and it is certainly affordable. The experts appointed by these agencies are highly qualified they have several years of experience behind them. Hence, you can certainly rely on the suggestions given by these experts. Before availing the services of these agencies, it is advisable that you should go through reviews of the agency. Wherever necessary, you can also have personal discussions with some of their past and present clients.
Click Here to know more about Fitness and to Get Correct Fitness Tips

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Importance Of Measuring Your Fitness Progress

People have different goals and milestones for measuring their fitness progress. To progress in your fitness first you need a chart to mark your weekly training schedules, accompanied diet, percentage body fat, lean body mass, workouts and weight gained or weight lost. Changes in each week have to be noted too. As you implement strategies your health improves greatly even as your physique takes good shape.

Unless you measure your training results you will never hit your benchmark on time. Besides you need to know whether you are progressing or regressing. It is always important that you be in a position to know yourself very well at all times and understand the direction you are heading with your fitness program. The first indicator of your progress is your athletic capability. The fitness progress chart has to have the number of kilometers you can run in the morning and in the evening each and every day.

The second way is by knowing your heart rate. If you have a high fitness rate then it follows that your heart rate will decline over some period of time. Keep track of this and see whether it is reducing each day. You also have to measure many body parts like the waist and arms on a weekly basis and see any progress in them. For your to be fit you have to be very flexible and can take part in many sporting activities without any strain

As you embark on your fitness program first you have to know your short term, midterm or long term goals. All these have to be well pronounced and your discipline will help you achieve them. However, ensure you be realistic enough with yourself and make sure your fitness goals are reachable.

Hitting your goals, just like in any field, reflects positively and motivates you as well. As you hit your goals you start a new cycle all over again and this is very commendable. May people fear challenges even though things might get tougher as you go on with your fitness programs? For example after lifting 30kgs weights you might need to progress to 40 or even 50kgs.

Fitness progress is always about enjoying what you do and ensuring you embrace it because in the end it's the best thing for you. In fitness you are always required to do what makes you happy because you will never feel forced to do it. Let it not be hectic and allow yourself time to rest and engage in other activities like hanging out with friends. It is very important. Meanwhile you can also be versatile and change your fitness programs as well. This solves the plateau problem which is a situation when your fitness program is not benefitting you at all, instead it's your development is stagnated.

If you need to know more about Fitness Progress, please visit us today at []
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3 Fitness Terms To Drop From Your Fitness Vocabulary

There's a lot of great fitness information around today, in magazines, books and especially online. But there is also a lot of misleading fitness information out there, including these three terms you should stop using yourself...

No Such Thing As Toning Muscles

Many articles and ads talk about 'toning muscles'. Often you see it in regards to women's fitness, implying that this is somehow different from other types of workouts. There are workouts for strength, power, size, cardio, aerobics, flexibility and sport-specific workouts, and beginner, intermediate and expert workouts for each of those. There is NOT some other type of workout that achieves some undefined notion called 'toned'.
Forget 'Workouts For Women' Too

Your second fitness term to drop is workouts for women. Muscles on men and muscles on women have the same composition and the same purposes. A man's workout is a woman's workout is a man's workout - plain and simple. The difference in muscle size is chemical - men's testosterone levels are much higher than those found in a woman's body, and that's what makes the biggest difference.

Writers and marketers use the term 'women's workouts' to play on the irrational fears some ladies have that lifting weights will make them big and bulky. Don't let them put that same fear into you - hit the gym and lift weights all you like. You'll be healthier, stronger, have more energy and most likely look lot better, even though your weight may increase since muscle is denser (heavier) than fat. If you are even a bit concerned that you may bulk up from lifting weights, stick to powerlifting workouts - heavier weights with fewer reps per set. That style of workout focuses more on building muscle strength and less on building muscle size, for either men or women.

The Goal Is NOT Weight Loss!

Probably the most destructive fitness term you should drop is weight loss, yet it's the number one term searched for at Google some years. If you have a higher percentage of body fat than you should for your body type and height, what you want is FAT LOSS, not weight loss...

If all you're concerned with is losing weight, and you measure it using the common bathroom scale, you're setting yourself up to fall victim to every weight loss scam that comes along and a lifetime of yo-yo dieting. Remember that muscles weigh more than fat, and your body is programmed to get rid of all unnecessary muscle and store energy in the form of fat. As such, any rapid weight loss will mean you've lost more muscle than fat, which isn't your goal - in fact, it makes you even less healthy.

Further, your body has a goodly amount of water in it, and water weighs about 62.5 pounds per cubic foot. Ridding your body of some of that water will also drop your weight - and your health right along with it. In fact, not only is that water needed by your circulatory system and organs, but as little as 3% dehydration starts to affect your mental prowess as well...

When you think in terms of fat loss, you'll focus on healthy nutrition and regular exercise - both of which can lead you to lose bodyfat, gain muscle, have more energy and generally be much healthier. Keep that focus and lose the term 'weight loss' starting today - you'll be that much closer to living your ideal fitness lifestyle!

D. Champigny is well known in the fitness world - he's a published fitness photographer, certified personal trainer, fitness author and publisher of the popular Flirting With Fitness website. For more help from Champigny, add him to your circles on Google+ today!

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Why Is Coffee a Great Pre-Workout Drink?

The fancy pre-workout powders and supplements get all the attention and so it is easily forgotten that the best, simplest pre-workout drink is coffee. It is obvious, coffee boosts your energy considerably, however that isn't the only reason you must drink it before you go to workout. There are various other advantages and benefits to drink coffee before you break a sweat.

Fat Burning

One of the major workout benefits of coffee is that it burns your fat like a furnace. The reason being, one cup of coffee has 60-100mg of caffeine. The moment caffeine gets into your body it raises metabolism and starts mobilizing fat. Caffeine is also a stimulant, this means it "stimulates" the central nervous system which in turn sends signals to fat cells to burn the fat giving you a slim and perfect physique.


Another pre-workout advantage of coffee is that it raises adrenaline flow in your blood stream. Adrenaline is in fact a hormone discharged by the adrenal gland. Once discharged, it really increases strength for a brief amount of time. This quick energy burst increases physical strength and you end up carrying a lot of weight as well as performing more reps of any exercise. That is why having coffee pre-workout helps you motivate and lets you do more sets before you head back.


Coffee is also beneficial for endurance runners as it helps reducing the consumption of glycogen in the muscles. Glycogen is the stored energy in the body that depletes and wears out throughout exercise. With the loss of glycogen there comes muscle fatigue and caffeine helps delaying its consumption. The body instead of reducing glycogen burn rate in turn acts by utilizing fat as energy reserve. In technical terms this phenomenon is called "glycogen sparring". Muscles operate longer when supplies of glycogen are available. This results-in longer running sessions and a lot of calories burned.


The glycogen sparring phenomenon helps in short-term, extreme exercises as well. However another great effect of caffeine on your body is the lowering of lactic acid. Due to depletion of glycogen, lactic acid starts to build up giving you that burning sensations during your work-out. That burning sensation is due to lactic acid level rising in your muscles. Drinking coffee pre-workout will reduce the burning sensation in your body.


Focus is very important throughout your workouts. Without it you will become lazy and start to question yourself and why were you working out in the first place. Coffee helps you stay mentally focused and doesn't let you forget your goals you are striving for. For productive and effective workouts, being focused is very important.

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Swimming For Fitness: A Great Workout Without A Gym

Swimming for fitness is one of the best ways to exercise without a gym. Gyms can get overly busy, sweaty and be a little overwhelming if you don't know your way around. Also, gym memberships can be costly. But swimming as an exercise is hard to hate. It's very effective and a fun way to exercise.

Most of us enjoy a swim in the pool, so why not turn that swim into some form of exercise? There are, of course, many ways to exercise without a gym but the fitness benefits of a swimming exercise program is hard to beat.

Swimming Provides A Great Cardio Workout.

Swimming for fitness requires plenty of energy and burns many calories. This is because, when you are swimming, you move your entire body rather than just your arms or legs. In the same way that dancing or running works your body and heart, so does swimming. It works your heart and boosts your metabolism at the same time. The most effective swimming fitness training is to perform interval training where you do high intensity sprint swimming which you alternate with easier workouts. This way you'll push your body hard but will be able to do so for a longer period of time.

Swimming Is Great For Strength Training.

As well as providing a cardio workout, swimming challenges the muscles all over your body and is great for improving general body strength. The water resistance you deal with while swimming pushes your muscles to work harder - just like conventional forms of strength training. When you're swimming for fitness you can gain muscle and tone up your body at the same time. Swimming is also commonly used as treatment to strengthen injured muscles in sports athletes, because the water resistance delivers a good workout without giving stress to the damaged body parts.

Everybody Enjoys Swimming!

The great thing about swimming for fitness is that everybody can do it and enjoy it. It's suitable for every age group and fitness level. You can decide how hard to push yourself when you swim. Elderly people can benefit from swimming too, since the water gives good support to their body and they can stay fit without worrying about injuring their back or joints. It's also one of the great fun ways to exercise with your family as you can have fun together and stay healthy at the same time.

Swimming is just one of the ways to exercise without a gym. But staying motivated to exercise is always the hardest part. That is why it is important to enjoy your exercise and have effective exercise plan where you know exactly what to do to get the body shape you want and how to perform the exercises correctly.
Do you want to learn more ways to lose weight and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Get more nutritional information, the best exercise programs, fitness motivation and a FREE ebook with over 100 tips for losing belly fat here.

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Health, Vitality, and Courage - How To Build A Solid Fitness Routine

Lots of folks are interested in improving their vitality and health through workouts, but not everyone has the courage to do the work to produce those results.
You need a combination of diet, nutrition, and a vigorous fitness routine. When you are struggling to find the right routine, it may not be easy for you to lose weight and get fit. In order to lose weight or get stronger, you must tailor a workout routine that you can use whenever you need it. These are just a few of the tips you should consider trying.

Pay Attention To Your Body's Energy Signals

A properly tailored workout plan is undoubtedly essential, yet it is something too many people simply do not have when they seek to increase their overall level of fitness. Even if you see others having success with a specific routine, it does not mean that it is the right routine for you to follow.
It is important to have a good understanding of your own body. As an example, you may suffer from joint pain, which could keep you from doing certain exercises. Would you push forward with the bench press simply because others are using it and look to be enjoying it? Rather than follow their lead, you could perform chest presses and other exercises that would be easier for you to perform without experiencing the joint pain.

Quality, Not Quantity

If you are starting the process of developing a fitness regimen, you must begin by identifying your goals. You may want to shed a few pounds or strengthen your muscles. Regardless of your goal, intensity is the key to success. It is a must if you want to reach your goals. The greater the intensity you use when you work out, the greater the results you'll see.
Fewer reps with much heavier weights is much more intense than more repetitions with lighter weights. By holding heavier weights, you can get the results you are looking for without doing nearly as much work.

Good Timing Is Essential

Mistiming is one of the biggest workout mistakes people make. You may wonder how this is possible. A good example of this type of mistake is if you decided to workout twice in a day, and for no reason at all. You do not have to work out twice a day to see results. It is true, quite a few 'experts' are doing this, however they are generally taking supplements to assist their recovery, or they are one of those with freak genetics and are able to manage through such strenuous workouts. This is when the real work is being done.
You should set a target to get as much accomplished as possible in the least amount of time.

Make certain you are going down the right path by following the tips made here. It is important to workout, but it is just as important to plan out the right routine for your body. Don't be like many people and overlook coming up with a good routine, as it can lead to not getting the results you want to achieve. The tips that have been pointed out here should help you get going towards the goals you have set.
Don't waste your time by drifting along, and try to precisely plan your own workout regimen to fit you best and stick with them. Your happiness and sanity depend on it.

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How Being Fit Will Benefit You - The Joy of Maintaining a Fit Body

Want to know a secret? Getting in shape isn't just for losers anymore. Today fitness and exercise are taking their place in our society as a part of our daily lives and routines. With the fear that each generation is becoming bigger than the one before it, what can we do as individuals to to get in shape and break the stereotype? And further more, why should you, or any of us, care? Well I can give you just a few of the endless reasons that show the benefits of being fit will help you. So read on and get ready to hit the gym!

A healthy body is something everyone wants, but most of us don't have the motivation to take time out of our busy schedules to work out. We don't want to change our diets, no matter what our doctors tell us. But it's no secret that a fit body will give you a longer life. It's simply a fact that healthy bodies work better, and faster. So no matter what shape you're in now, the better you take care of yourself the longer you'll live. It's as simple as that. Now doesn't that make you want to get off the couch and go outside?

This obvious point is by no means the only advantage of being in shape, however. Your body will benefit in the short term as well. Studies show that people who are healthier have been less depressed, and felt happier overall. Your body releases endorphins when you exercise, and these guys make you happy. So it's like an anti-depressant with no harmful side effects! Not only that, but you'll notice your confidence increasing which leads to better performance at work and school. You'll be more fun to be around as well, I guarantee it.

Still not sure you want to grab an exercise DVD and get started? Then consider what men and women find to be the single sexiest quality in the other gender. No, it's not 6-pack abs; it's confidence! Nothing is more sexy than a person who truly believes in their own abilities and self-worth. You could spend your weekends hiding behind the shelves of your nearest book store hoping for a miracle book to tell you how to have more self-esteem, but the truth is you'll get better result in half the time if you just lift some weights. Exercise makes you confident, as I've already mentioned, and confidence is the key to success in love and life.

Now it doesn't seem like such a bad idea to be in shape does it? The benefits of being fit are almost endless. Grab a buddy and start an exercise routine. It won't take much effort, and it can actually be a lot of fun! It can be a great first step in a total life make over. Just get up, get going, and see how the benefits of being fit work to your advantage. Soon the mirror will be your friend.

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about the benefits of being fit [], please visit Health and Fitness Site [] for current articles and discussions.

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