Strength training can provide functional benefits and can improve
the overall health and well-being. The benefits include: Increased
metabolism, increased fitness, increased bone density, muscle, tendon,
ligaments, improved joint function, decrease injury prone, improved
cardiac function etc. The following are the tips on strength training.
Tip One: You need to warm up
Before doing strength training exercise it very important
to start with a warm up. This can help to minimize injuries during the
actual workout. You can start by doing some light exercises like walking
or cycling.Increase the speed every five minutes and then do the
stretching. You need to focus on every single muscle.
Tip two: How much weight do you need?
If you are a beginner you should start with weights that
you can lift 10 - 12 reps to fatigue using proper form. Decrease the
weight size if you find yourself leaning back or swinging your body up
and down this is a sign that the weight is too heavy for you. Sticking
to 12 reps will minimize the risk of injury and it will maximize your
strength gains.
Tip Three: How many sets?
Beginners can start with one set per exercise. Advanced
trainers can do three sets per exercise. It is very important for the
beginners to gain strength first before they increase the sets. This can
minimize injuries.
Tip Four: How much rest between the sets?
It is advisable to rest for one minute between the sets
if you want to develop endurance and tone. Rest up to three minutes if
you want to focus more on strength, the extra recovery time allows the
muscles to work harder and lift more on the next set.
Tip Five: What is the correct order of exercises?
Large muscle groups must be worked before smaller groups.
The reason for this is that, if you fatigue a smaller muscle group
first, then the larger group will not work as hard as it should. The
example can be: doing biceps curls before doing bent over rows. Biceps
are involved in both these exercises but by the time you do bent over
rows, your biceps will already be fatigued.
Tip six: How do you select exercises?
It is recommended to select two exercises per muscle group, e.g.
Legs: squats and leg extensions.
Chest: dumbbell press and dumbbell fly
Shoulder: side lateral raise and front raise.
Back: bent over row and pull- down.
Arms: biceps curls and triceps kick back.
Abs: crunches and knee to elbow crunches
It is important to apply the Principle of Progressive
Overload. This is when you lift weights that are heavy enough to create
muscular fatigue at the 10th to 12th repetition and then when that gets
easy, you increase the load and lift that new load until you cannot do
it. You can increase the weight every time you get to 10 or 12 reps.
Typically every time you add new weight, you lift fewer reps because
it's heavier, but then as your muscles grow stronger, you perform more
reps. This Principle will creates the greatest gains in strength.
Tip Eight: You need proper Nutrition
Your body needs a lot of energy, vitamins, proteins and
other important ingredients that will sustain you and let you muscles
grow. It will also keep healthy and fit.You must also consider protein
supplements they are very effective when used in the 1 hour resting
period after strength training.
Tip Nine: You need to rest and recover
Muscles grow during rest, it is good to allow a day or
two between workouts if you are a beginner so that the muscles can grow
and recover. Allowing the recovery and growth will help you to be strong
and refreshed on your next workout.
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