Want to know a secret? Getting in shape isn't just for losers anymore. Today fitness and exercise are taking their place in our society as a part of our daily lives and routines. With the fear that each generation is becoming bigger than the one before it, what can we do as individuals to to get in shape and break the stereotype? And further more, why should you, or any of us, care? Well I can give you just a few of the endless reasons that show the benefits of being fit will help you. So read on and get ready to hit the gym!
A healthy body is something everyone wants, but most of us don't have the motivation to take time out of our busy schedules to work out. We don't want to change our diets, no matter what our doctors tell us. But it's no secret that a fit body will give you a longer life. It's simply a fact that healthy bodies work better, and faster. So no matter what shape you're in now, the better you take care of yourself the longer you'll live. It's as simple as that. Now doesn't that make you want to get off the couch and go outside?
This obvious point is by no means the only advantage of being in shape, however. Your body will benefit in the short term as well. Studies show that people who are healthier have been less depressed, and felt happier overall. Your body releases endorphins when you exercise, and these guys make you happy. So it's like an anti-depressant with no harmful side effects! Not only that, but you'll notice your confidence increasing which leads to better performance at work and school. You'll be more fun to be around as well, I guarantee it.
Still not sure you want to grab an exercise DVD and get started? Then consider what men and women find to be the single sexiest quality in the other gender. No, it's not 6-pack abs; it's confidence! Nothing is more sexy than a person who truly believes in their own abilities and self-worth. You could spend your weekends hiding behind the shelves of your nearest book store hoping for a miracle book to tell you how to have more self-esteem, but the truth is you'll get better result in half the time if you just lift some weights. Exercise makes you confident, as I've already mentioned, and confidence is the key to success in love and life.
Now it doesn't seem like such a bad idea to be in shape does it? The benefits of being fit are almost endless. Grab a buddy and start an exercise routine. It won't take much effort, and it can actually be a lot of fun! It can be a great first step in a total life make over. Just get up, get going, and see how the benefits of being fit work to your advantage. Soon the mirror will be your friend.
Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author.
To learn more about the benefits of being fit
please visit Health and Fitness Site [http://healthandfitnesssite.info]
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