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Fitness Motivation 101

As a fitness professional I have witnessed plenty of people start an exercise program only to come up with a reason (or excuse) to quit altogether after a couple of months. The main reasons for this change of heart is usually due to a lack of direction (i.e. specific goals) and/or unrealistic expectations. I believe that passing things off by saying I'm just lazy is never true. Most people who go to the gym want to "get into better shape". While seemingly noble, these four words are totally useless to you if you really want to change for the better. There are always deeper reasons, whether conscious or sub-conscious. Of course, the media is the worst offender when it comes to promoting unrealistic expectations. Most people have an instinctive urge to want to look like they did at the age of 19 or 25. This is a recipe for disaster.

Vanity is a great motivator

A lot of doctors and personal trainers will tell you that you should only focus on the health benefits of exercise, but we are vain creatures. We want to impress the opposite sex and most importantly we want to please our own eyes when we look in the mirror. The great news is that once you acquire the great feelings you get from exercise (during and after) they will motivate you as well. The other benefits don't hurt, such as

- More energy

- Better sleep

- Willingness to make better food choices

- Fitting into your clothes beautifully

- Toned arms

- A lifted butt

- Better sex

- Improved memory

- A happier disposition

What You Should Do

Part of moving forward with a positive lifestyle change is letting go of what used to be and focusing on what is possible for your future. How do you want to feel in 6 months? What do you want to look like in 2 years? If you really contemplate these questions, you set yourself up for success that will surely surprise even your most optimistic nature. A helpful analogy of fitness goals is the comparison to working towards a promotion. You first need to learn the job description (learn the rules of the game), then prove you can not only perform the duties, but that you can become that position in your company. This is called faking it until you become it. You need to start to see yourself in a totally different light. Of course, proper guidance speeds up the process tremendously.

Patrick Williams is owner of Fuel RX Fitness in Sherman Oaks, California. He is a Personal Trainer and fat loss expert and his group training programs have helped hundreds of people lose weight, feel better, and get swimsuit ready. Check out to download your free fat loss report titled "weight loss secrets revealed".

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